I went to my first support group meeting earlier this week. I was the only

one there that had open rny (proximal). All of the other patients were distal. Can someone explain to me the difference? Is one better than the other? Oh, and one more thing, what determines a lightweight? Is it your starting weight or how much you want to lose overall? My goal is to lose 120 lbs. Thanks so much! Lisa    — Lisa D. (posted on November 20, 2003)

November 20, 2003
proximal and distal refers to the amount of intestine that is bypassed, distal=more is bypassed proximla=less. in the library they have many good technical explantion os them both. my dr will not do distal he says they casyue too many problems later on when the person can not maintain their goal weight and have too much malabsorption problems. it is a matter of choice of the surgeon.
   — janetc00

November 21, 2003
Lisa, in my research of this topic I have found a hundred different answers to that question. And everybody that you talk to is going to tell you that what have is the best. My Dr bypasses approximately 5 ft of intestine which converts to 153 cm. My Dr happens to call that distal but another Dr may call it proximal or even medial (which is in between the two). It really just depends on who you are asking. What I have found out about the 2 is that proximal has less malabsorption. If you are going to be true distal (which is more malabsorptive), you have to be diligent in your aftercare...mainly vitamins. I have also read that it is our small pouch that initially gets the weight off but it's the malabsorption factor that helps keep the weight off. Anyway, best of luck to you!! Michelle LapRNY 7/9/03 270/194/130
   — Michelle_S

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