I went for an ultrasound today and the radiologist said

that there was no stones. I posted a question yesterday about pain and all of you (and the doctor I saw last night in urgent care) said it was my gallbladder. But the ultrasound showed no stones. So I guess my question is what else could it be? and has anyone had to get their gallbladder removed even though you didn't have stones? I see a surgeon tomorrow to get my test results for the rest of the ultrasound (they did the whole abdomin) and to try and see where to go from here. Any help would be great. 6/27/03 292/207/172    — horserider0146 (posted on November 11, 2003)

November 11, 2003
I have been suffering from what felt like gallbladder pain. I am pre-op and my surgeon wanted to check it out before WLS. I have already had my gallbladder out many years ago. I did what is called an ERCP and they found the bile duct that used to be connected to the gallbladder to be closed down causing bile to back up and causing the pain. The MD put a small balloon in the duct to open it and then made an incision to allow the bile to flow easily. This was done last Wednesday and now I am pain free. WLS is supposed to be scheduled sometime soon. YEAH. I understand from my surgeon that the ERCP cannot be done easily after WLS>
   — kathy W.

November 11, 2003
You can have pain associated with your gallbladder and not have stones. Sometimes the gallbladder is not funtioning properly and will cause the same symptoms as if you had gallstones. There is a test they can do to check to see how well it is functioning it is a HIDA Scan with CCK. Talk to your surgeon about it at your appointment.
   — Kim P.

November 11, 2003
I had the same thing, I was having gallbladder attacks and didn't know what it was. I did not have gall stones, just a bunch of sludge in there, the Dr said it would have turned into gallstones at some point. I had my gallbladder taken out on Nov 3rd. It was not to bad, the first 2 days were a little sore then I was ok. Good Luck!
   — mememetl

November 11, 2003
Had ultrasounds about 3 times in a 2 year period because I kept having the symptoms. After the last test, my regular dr told me I had sludge (like the previous poster) but that it was nothing to worry about right away. I was trying to wait until I could get in for my rny as the surgeon said he could do them both at the same time. After being doubled over with pain for about 8 hrs, finally went to the er and had my surgeon contacted. He confirmed that it definitely was my gallbladder. After taking it out, he said the reason it didn't show up was that the stone was so big and it showed up as a shadow. They were looking for several stones. No problem, 23 hr hospital stay, very little pain. Quick recovery.
   — lharbison

November 12, 2003
About 3 years ago, I had some severe gallbladder attacks and they performed every test known to man, but they never found anything wrong. 2 years later, same story. Then when I had my WLS, they checked my gallbladder again. No stones. Within 2 months of the surgery, I developed gallstones and had my gallbladder out within 5 months of surgery. The doctor's said that sometimes small stones don't show up on the ultrasound. I probably had small stones the whole time and then they got bigger after the weight loss. Good luck, gallbladder attacks have got to be one of the most painful things I have ever experienced and I am glad that I no longer have a gallbladder.
   — Janet S.

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