Does anyone know if Medicare and Medicaid combined pay for plastic surgery

Recently I went to a plastic surgeon to discuss getting reconstructive surgery on my tummy (tummy tuck) and we discussed it. After he found out I have medicare and medicaid he acted like it wouldn't pay for it. Well I know in some cases it has payed for other when medically needed, which I do. The are not going to even try to get it and want me to pay up front and then see if medicare and medicaid will pay. He wouldn't even try. Does anyone now if this is the usual case with this or should I try to find a doctor that will try it. Thanks so much for any help, this is so discouraging but I'm going to keep trying. Any advice anyone!    — tatterpuddin (posted on November 4, 2003)

November 4, 2003
Hi Sherry- As far as I've heard, Medicare and Medicaid will pay for PS if it's documented as "medically necessary". Maybe the surgeon was discouraged, because I don't think they get reimbursed as much as with other insurances? Don't know for sure, just something I've heard. But if you feel any kind of funny vibe from the surgeon, it wouldn't hurt you to check into another one. Good Luck, Mea :o)
   — Mea A.

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