Has anyone been told to stay off carbonated beverages for 3 mos after Surgery?

Why? Has anyone had carbonated beverages earlier? Were there any side effects?    — Lisa D. (posted on November 2, 2003)

November 2, 2003
I was told to stay off carbonated beverages for 6 months. My doctor said it could stretch my pouch. Don't want to do that!!!
   — Dawn C.

November 2, 2003
<b>I sure did, and I tell ya, it kicked my behind so bad it left me crying for mercy. I only took 2 quick sips. and I guess it got trapped down there like a bubble. If you ever had kids, think of the worse labor pain you ever had. I tell ya, it felt just. I haven't touched it since. what a experience. I miss it sometimes but that's ok I'll get over it.</b>
   — Naes Wls J.

November 2, 2003
I was told for life!!!!!!!!!! Of course i do drink about one diet coke every two or three weeks. Not supposed to though.
   — Delores S.

November 2, 2003
We were just discussing carbonation and caffeine at our surgeon's support meeting last week. Our surgeons say not to have carbonation because it can stretch the outlet of your pouch, especially in the first four months. The outlet at first is very rigid, which helps keep you full. If it gets stretched, there can be microscopic tears. And the carbonation itself is acidic. This combination can possibly cause an ulcer. I was a total diet Coke addict pre-op, but I tried a sip after about three months and couldn't stand the taste.
   — LisaHillsinger

November 2, 2003
We were also told NO carbonation for life. The stretching of the pouch aside, because I know people debate that left and right here, it has absolutly NO BENEFITS for the human body, plus it leeches calcium from your body..something most of us are sturggling to get enough of. So grab a glass of water instead.
   — ~~Stacie~~

November 2, 2003
Surgeon said..if you can tolerate it go ahead...just make sure its kinda flat. Nutritionist said.....NO WAY!! uh uh never ever. I had a few tiny sips of Diet Pepsi (I just missed it sooooooo much) at about 3 weeks post op. The taste was simply awful. I think PepsiCo was playing a trick on me. Who replaced my beloved diet Pepsi with this crap?? Havent touched it ever since. Iced Tea is my drink of choice!
   — Michelle B.

November 2, 2003
My surgeon does not want us to consume carbonated beverages and he doesn't say NO to things very often! It's because of the caffiene, carbonation and acidic content of most carbonated beverages.
   — y0maria

November 2, 2003
my surgeon didnt have an opion on diet soda. BUT I will tell you mine. I use to drink diet soda alot PRE but stopped after surgery. After a few months I really really wanted one.. so I had one.. UCK! It tasted terrible. It wasnt until about 1 yhear post that I was able to start introducing them back in. BUT, one thing be careful. I did have a 'bad' attack. The gas can get stuck, and you think your having an attack of some sort.. I even called the doctor.... and it hurts!
   — star .

November 2, 2003
Hi, I was told no carbonated beverages for 3-6 months after surgery. I tried a couple sips of diet coke a few weeks ago (I had surgery 08/19/03) and it left me very uncomfortable. You could hear my stomach grumbling a mile away, and it left me with gas pains. Plus, it just didn't taste as good as it did pre-op. <p>The other reason our surgeons don't want us to go back to soda is that many of them contain phosphoric acid, which binds to the calcium in our bodies and depletes it. Since we have enough problem trying to make sure we get enough calcium after surgery, the soda just makes it harder for us to get enough.
   — Moysa B.

November 2, 2003
My surgeon had no opinion on the matter. Said if you want it, and can tollerate it, have it. I have had maybe half a can of soda total in the last 2 years. It tastes awful to me now, and it leaves me feeling very uncomfortable. Every once in a while I get a craving for it and as with all cravings I will give in....a little. Just the other day I poured my self a coke. Took one drink and passed it off to someone else. I just tastes like chemicals to me now.
   — RebeccaP

November 2, 2003
I was told 6 months. I tried a "flat" diet pepsi at about 4 weeks post-op. It didn't taste right and I felt like my pouch was going to explode. I really don't recommend it.
   — mrsmyranow

November 2, 2003
I'm 4months out, down 101lbs and have only take very VERY few sips of diet soda since my surgery. I find I don't have much of a taste for it anymore and it makes my little pouchy so I avoid it!! Best wishes & God bless!!
   — Amy G.

November 3, 2003
I was allowed to drink it as tolerated. I couldn't tolerate it those first three months. Tasted icky AND made me feel uncomfortably full. By 6 months out I had a taste for Diet Pepsi again and now drink about a 6 pack a day. Not advocating it, just telling you what "I" do. I find it helps keep me full longer. And anyone who spouts that crap about a bottle with a balloon expanding from it, needs to take a rudimentary science class! Sorry, pet peeve of mine lol
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 3, 2003
I was told 12 months and preferably the rest of our lives.
   — zoedogcbr

November 3, 2003
I am almost 2 years out (Nov, 2001). There's very few things that I cannot tolerate & carbonated drinks is one of them. I remember actually thinking about not having the surgery because I just didn't think I could give up my Dr. peppers. But now it's like I never even cared for them. I have tried a sip or two here & there, but it's just not the same & it still bloats me up. Now if someone took away my swee tea, I would absolutely die. That is all that I drink. But I guess to each his own. Open RNY 240, at goal of 118! Life is great!!!
   — Lori M.

November 3, 2003
I had such a small pouch to begin with even water bothered me, so alot of carbonated stuff i couldnt handle. My nutrionist said anywhere from 3-12 monts depending on your tolerance level. I am just now able to drink carbonated stuff but find that if i still try and gulp like water it does bother me (but not enough to stop drinking it!!) good luck!
   — Kerry R.

November 5, 2003
I am only 14 days post-op, but my dietician and my dr. advised me not to drink anything carbonated for at least a year, and would prefer if I abstained from carbonation for good...The carbonation (bubbles) expand in your stomach, yes making you more full, but can stretch t just like food.
   — Amy E.

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