Has anyone run into Federal BC, not precertifing?

I am trying to get approval for breast reductation, that is medically necessary, for reliev of neck pain. BC, said they will not decide until after the surgery if they will cover it or not. Any help or insight would be wonderful. Thanks Barbara    — barbara M. (posted on October 31, 2003)

October 31, 2003
Yes, I have BC/BS Federal and yes they don't pre-approve. However, I have never had any problems with them not paying for any surgery, visit, or anything else once it was done. In getting approval for my WLS they said they didn't pre-certify/pre-approve but I did get a letter for them that said "this is a confirmation of medical necessity under the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program". I don't know why it's like that, but it just change this year.
   — Candace V.

October 31, 2003
I have BC/BS Federal and am trying to get approval for panniculectomy right now. I am fighting for approval and found out from a very nice lady that BC/BS will NOT approve any OUTPATIENT procedure. A lot of the reconstructive procedures are coded as outpatient, even though they usually require a hospital stay! Anyway, BC/BS has been instructed by our FED providers not to authorize any outpatient procedure. If they receive this code they will automatically say "no authorization". Now, I don't know if they would end up paying or not. That is when it gets risky. They may or may not pay! This sounds like really bad business practice to me, but what do I know about insurance companies and how they operate? We are all just sitting ducks hoping they will pay. Unfair and should be illegal! If a procedure requires an inpatient stay, they may review it. I am considering switching to another FED insurance during open season. BC/BS is really becoming a pain to deal with. They take our money (more each year), then deny necessary procedures. You can tell I am po'd at them! Good luck.
   — Mylou52

November 1, 2003
I have Bc/Bs Fed PPO and ran into that with my wls. I asked them and my surgeons office about it and what they both said was that the surgeons office calls them, insurance company asks them a list of questions. They then say if everything is the same on the day of surgery as it is today it will be paid. I have only heard of one person that was not compensated after surgery and that was because her BMI had dropped from like a 42 to a 38. I also have never had a problem getting Bc/Bs to pay for any surgeries myself or other families have had to have. Good luck!
   — TheresaC

November 1, 2003
I had BCBS/PPO and they also didnt 'precertify' BUT that does NOT mean you can not ask for a 'pre determination'! which basically they 'review' and determine if its covered under your policy... If your worried, I would get a pre determination at least; then if for some off chance they try to deny later, you will have that pre determination for your records.,., etc.
   — star .

November 1, 2003
Hi, I have BC/BS federal and they would not precertify may RNY. But they sent me a letter stating that they would be happy to allow me to obtain this procedure and stated the number of nights they would allow me to stay. I have had no problems with them paying their portion of the bills.
   — Debra W.

November 2, 2003
Hi, I have BCBS FED also. They did do the pre-cert for the WLS but will not do the pre-cert for any reconstructive surgery. I am getting tummy tuck, thigh lift and breast augmentation. I know they will not pay for the breast augmentation, but am hoping for the tummy tuck and thigh lift to be covered. You basically have to have the procedures done, file the claim and hope they pay. It is in the clinical notes submitted to the insurance company about how much tissue was removed and what exactly was done to the patient and why. BCBS has physicans that look over the clinical notes submitted and decide if the procedures were medically necessary. I am going to proceed with mine and see what happens. I am making sure to take a whole bunch of pictures of myself pre-op for evidence of a large pannus, flappy thighs, etc. I will have this ready to appeal if they deny anything. It seems ridiculous to me that they would deny this after approving my WLS. Its not unusual to think that the patient will loose a large amount of weight after WLS and would then have excess skin and tissue left over !! Linda LapRNY 02/11/03 -120lbs
   — LindaBF

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