Treatment for Hernia

A week or so ago, I posted a question about a terrible twisting, griping pain I was having in my tummy. Today I had an endoscope and the Dr. discovered a hernia. I have been put on Protonix and something to help with the clamping feeling I am having. The Dr. thinks I have had this hernia for a while and a piece of food got stuck and caused this flair up. I will go back for another endoscope in 6 weeks and then a decision will be made about next steps. So, now my question: What are the possible next steps? Surgery? A lifetime of this medication? Anyone else been on this path? Thoughts or suggestions most appreciated. Thank you.    — MrsBacchus (posted on October 29, 2003)

October 30, 2003
The Protonix is only a "band aid" it isn't going to fix the problem and permanently get rid of your pain, just temporary relief. Why be a lifetime on some medication when surgery would fix the problem for good. If it is that bothersome most doctors would recommend surgery to repair it so it doesn't develop into a worse problem. I had surgery to repair my hernia and i am now fine.
   — Tammy N.

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