Bar-be-Que Ribs

I am dying for some bar-be-que ribs! I'm almost 6 weeks out from lap RNY and can eat pretty much whatever I can kep down at this point. This is the first huge craving I've had. I was sitting here and all of a sudden, BAM! I want some ribs! I'm excited because I've been so out of the eating loop-I generally drink 3 protein shakes a day and take my vitamins-but I want to know if these are okay to have? Are the gentle on the stomach? What about bar-be-que sauce? Is that ok? If everything's a-go, I'm having this for lunch tomorrow!    — jenn_jenn (posted on October 28, 2003)

October 27, 2003
Hey Girl, If I had ate barbecue sauce at 4 weeks I would have been one sick little girl..How about ribs without the sauce first..Then maybe a little sauce later..Most barbecue sauces I have found are full of sugar. Have you dumped yet?? It is aboslutely awful and I for one would rather crave than dump. I wish you the very best of luck and enjoy your weight loss process, its a wonderful feeling. I am 13 months post-op and still lose a lb here and there but there's nothing like stepping on the scales and 'Oh my God, I lost 10 lbs' or whatever..
   — Sharon1964

October 27, 2003
I was given the go-ahead for meat at 6 weeks, however, I have to have something on it (gravy, sauce, ketchup, etc.) to help it go down. To this day (4.5 months postie), pork is not my friend :). However, if you're really craving it, try going to the diabetic/diet section of your grocery store and get a low/no sugar BBQ sauce. It will still have carbs from the tomatoes, but you want to avoid the added sugars/corn syrup, etc. and most important, chew, chew, chew.
   — Carolyn M.

October 27, 2003
LOL, It may be too soon for that. I had a craving for ribs also, but I was further along. I got me some. believe me it was so goooooood. LOL only thing the first time it didn't sit well, it felt so heavy in my tummy. But the next time I cooked it, what I did was cook it until it's real tender. so tender a baby can eat it. LOL. Please wait longer to try these heavier foods. they may sit well then again they may not. if you try it now and you get sick from it. you may hate it forever. so wait until you can enjoy it and handle it. Thumbs up and take care of yourself.
   — Naes Wls J.

October 27, 2003
I, too, think it's a little early for ribs. The meat can be stringy, even when cooked tender, and bbq sauce usually has quite a bit of sugar in it. I first tried ribs about three months out, and even then, the meat sat in my pouch kind of heavy. I'd wait. The craving will pass.
   — Vespa R.

October 27, 2003
Hi, Jennifer. I am 9 weeks from my ryn and my doctor was Stephanie Barnes and I am not allowed to have beef or pork yet. I would try baked beans and potatoe salad to satisfy this craving. Hopefully this will work. Be careful with the sugar and grease...they are not your friend anymore!!! I had to got to baby shower this weekend. All the cravings were bad b/c it was right in front of me, but stay strong. It felt better to stick to good choices.
   — Jennifer H.

October 27, 2003
At six weeks out I decided that I needed a buffalo wing...bad bad mistake. I dumped for the first time ever and it was horrible. Grease plus bbq sauce? I'd let the new stomach mature a bit more.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 27, 2003
Most BBQ sauces contain white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup or any of the above (so does ketchup). I would be very careful and be in a place where if you dump, you can be safe and not embarras yourself. Also, if your tummy is not ready yet, you could end up throwing the ribs or just gooky flem up.
   — M B.

October 28, 2003
All hope is not lost!!! At 6-8 weeks as I was raiding the store to find anything I could eat and ran accross some Gardenburger (brand) BBQ Riblets in the frozen 'veggetarian' foods section. I just loved them. They are a bit spendy but, really satisfied that craving for me...and they didn't make me dump...which was/is unusual.
   — eaamc

October 28, 2003
Atkins has a good sugar free BBQ sauce. It even has bite to it. ! Tbsp. has 15 calories, 1 g Fat, 180 mg Sodium, Total Carbs 1g, sugar 0g, protein 0g. I love BBQ sauce, it used it in place of ketchup and for me this one works. Check your health food store for it, or try his web site one line, sometimes normal stores have this you just have to look. The label reads Atkins Kitchen ( the original low car lifestyle ) Barbeque Sauce. Good luck and enjoy those ribs.
   — domestic G.

October 28, 2003
I had problems with BBQ ribs in the first couple of months. I went to Applebys and took about 3 bites and RAN at top speed for the bathroom heaving up everything!!! Not a fun trip. It took me about a year to get my courage to go back and try it again. There may be too much sugar in the BBQ sauce and could cause you to dump so be careful!!
   — Patty H.

October 28, 2003
My only dumping experience was in BBQ ribs. Won't do that again.
   — Delores S.

October 28, 2003
I live by the rule that I will try everything, eating only what does not make me sick and with portion control. I was welllllllll over 6 weeks before I could even tolerate meat, let alone ribs. I handle a very small quantity now, but I am a year post op. I order ribs with the sauce on the side and do a teeeeny bit of dippin'. Open RNY 10/30/02 405/180/150
   — Ginger M.

October 28, 2003
Cut into pencil eraser sized bits and chew too death. I had T bone at a month out. Its time you tried everything just try a small quantity/
   — bob-haller

October 28, 2003
Cut into pencil eraser sized bits and chew too death. I had T bone at a month out. Its time you tried everything just try a small quantity/
   — bob-haller

October 28, 2003
Well I am 4 months out. Tehcnically I am allowed to eat anything, but I really stay away from chancy foods. I haven't eaten a hamburger let alone ribs. Wondering... Do you dump? If you don't dump, then try some BBQ chicken to start. Maybe you can work your way up to the ribs. I had a very strong craving for pancakes early on. I ended up just not having any until I was ready for them. I finally had some around month 3. Had an egg, then about 4 bites of pancake. It was just what I wanted and haven't had a craving since. Good luck!
   — mrsmyranow

October 28, 2003
I'd say try it. I never had any problems with beef yet. Chicken has been my only problem meat. The one thing that may hurt is the barbeque sause. I'm 2.5 years out so I can tolerate it now. But it does have sugar and as a new post op it may cause you trouble. Should you try it, hopefully you can get your ribs "take out" and eat them at home in case you have problems. Then eat the rest of your meal at lunch. (Perhaps try just a "taste" of the ribs at your lunch).
   — Danmark

October 28, 2003

   — Lynette B.

October 28, 2003
I was 5 montha post op when I tried my first childs portion of bbq ribs. We were at a restaurant with friends and were going to a party afterword. WELL before i got to the party I was sick. This was first time with dumping/vomiting. I was sick all night and sick the next day. It ruined an entire weekend. DONT do it, unless you know you will be at home for awile GOOD LUCK
   — andrearnc

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