I feel like I have a back-up of food, especially at dinnertime,

5 1/2 mo post op and having dificulty at dinner time especially. Whenever I try to eat meat or protein, after a few bites, I feel as though I have a back-up in my stomach/esophagus. Food feels like it is stuck. Can't swallow, can't get any air up or down, have sever pain. Only relief I have is if I make myself vomit. Then pain and discomfort is gone immediately. Had an upper GI which was negative for a blockage. Chewing food well, eating slowly, doing all the things I'm supposed to do, but have unexplained severe pain. This has been going on for a few months with no relief. If I eat salads, soups, fruit -- no problems..... meats and solids that I can eat today, I can't tolerate tomorrow. No definitive pattern, just a feeling of food backing up in the back of my throat causing severe pain. Any help from someone experiencing the same would be appreciated.    — Brenda D. (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 20, 2003
Hello, I have the same thing. The way it was explained to me is that for some reason unknown some people have a problem with connective tissue in meat or maybe he kernels on corn or the hulls on green peas. So the solution is to try cutting it smaller and chewing it even more although it has not helped me but it may you. Good luck.
   — Tammy P.

October 20, 2003
For me, there is a big difference in how moist the meat is. If you are eating meat that is on the dry side (like chicken or beef can be) try adding some sauce to it to give it some moisture. This should help it go down better. Good luck!
   — aejbhm

October 20, 2003
Do you eat sitting at the table or in an extreme upright position? This may sound strange but I found that once I left the table and kind of leaned back on the couch a bit to eat, things went down easier and I didn't get that pain. I also made sure that meat was cut VERY tiny to begin with and very moist (as already posted). Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 20, 2003
This happens to me with pork (but not ham), and occasionally with chicken. I think the pork is just too dense, even well-chewed, and sometimes the chicken is too stringy. I suggest as others have: cut the meat up into very small pieces and chew very well, with something moist. It seems to be worse for me when the meat is reheated leftovers (especially when microwaved), so I always put something on my meat to moisten it (salad dressing, a little ketchup or steak sauce, salsa, soy sauce, tapenade, bottled marinade, etc.). That seems to help a lot. I also have simply given up on pork--it's just not ever going to be my friend again. It also helps me to eat very slowly when I have something that looks it might be a problem.
   — Vespa R.

October 20, 2003
I know exactly what you are going thru. I have gone through the same thing. I even eat the same foods that you do. After months and months of this, last week I had an upper gi and small intestine study. I have been asking the doctors about it forever also. The results were no blockage which I knew because liquids go down ok unless I had food just prior. the doctor thinks it may be stomach spasms. He gave me some medicine and told me to call him in a week. I am not sure that is the case but am willing to try. good luck and email me if you find out what the problem is. Peace
   — Jencastle

October 20, 2003
chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,chew,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,sit up straight, sit up straight, sit up straight, sit up straight, sit up striaght :-}
   — Marrilee M.

October 21, 2003
I don't know what your dietician told you but mine informed us that we should not eat beef for the first year, and if we did to eat ground beef and run it through the processor again. Otherwise chew, chew, chew.
   — cookiedough

October 21, 2003
Thank God, I have met someone witht eh same problem I have. I have been calling my doctor, only to get his nurse to refer me to a gastro intestinologist which i am seeinfg tommorrow. please email me and tell me what theyu tell u is the reason we feel this way, i will do the same. i am 7 weeks post op and worried about this. Roger
   — njquintana

February 21, 2004
If you get an answer, would you PLEASE email me at [email protected]? I have the EXACT same thing. Just came home from the ER this morning--my surgeon did a cat scan and said my "pouch" is slightly inflamed and prescribed Nexius for the next 3 months. I'm only 3 weeks post-op and have had this for the past several days.
   — Teri R.

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