OMG!! Did I do something wrong

I am 4 weeks post-op and up until today had no (absolutely NO!!) interest in food. I was nauseous all the time. All of the sudden today I can eat, no problems. I had three small meals, no more than a 1/2 cup each and feel like I could have eaten more. Could I have broken something? Could my pouch have opened up? I also was able to drink..not sip..all my liquids today. Please someone give me some feedback. I am in a panic.    — Michelle B. (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 19, 2003
Relax! At only 4 weeks post op I suspect your stomach is still healing and won't give you that full feeling right now. Just stick to what your doctor and/or nutrtionist told you to do. Don't be tempted to overeat. You may find out what dumping is all about. Even at 9 months post op I still have days (right before my period) that I can eat more than my reccommended about, and I am hungry all the time. Give your brain a chance to catch up with your stomach. Becareful, you are at the time head hungry hits. It is when your brain tells you, this amount can't possibly fill you up, you need more and it wants the stuff you used to eat. To get through this exercise, keep all the junk food out of the house and drink water. Hang in there, it will get better.
   — june22

October 20, 2003
Don't stress yourself.. I was the same way and then one day it felt like I could eat more... I was normally intaking about 600-800 calories and then for acouple of days I actually ate 1,000.. I was starting to scare myself.. But it seems like my stomach shunk again, cause at 7 weeks post op, I can only eat 1/2cup at a time, if that. I am getting in about 800-900 calories daily.. I think it's really normal to have somedays where you can eat more... Don't worry... you're doing fine..... Just stick with measuring! Take Care
   — baybekmbrly

October 20, 2003
I am assuming you're still on soft food. I could definitely eat 1/2 cup of soft food at 4 weeks. I could probably eat a 1/2 cup of solid food then too. I can eat more food than most unfortunately. But I exercise a lot so it hasn't affected my weightloss yet. If I feel like I ate too much, I just do 10 extra minutes on the treadmill or something. Don't sweat it.
   — mrsmyranow

October 21, 2003
I was like that the first couple of months, Michelle. Then, one day I could have eaten the side of the house. I fluctuate now..some days I have no desire for food, other days I feel that I can't possibly get enough. I'm almost 5 months post op now, am down 75 lbs, and feel great. I think everything is fine; this is just a normal thing that is happening to you.
   — Linda S.

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