Is anyone built with all their weight in their stomach?

My friend is over 350lbs and just had an open RNY. She has been home for a few days and is still unable to really move around without being in horrible pain. If you were to look at her from behind you wouldn't even know she was obese because all her weight is in her belly. Is anyone else built like this? How long did it take you to start feeling better after surgery?    — Cindi S. (posted on October 13, 2003)

October 13, 2003
I haven't had my surgery yet (Nov. 11th) but my body shape and type is exactly as you mention. It's all in the belly, not so much on the sides or legs, but smack in the middle. The doc's think the surgery will do a lot to help with this, it's just that you never look all that heavy, except from the side view. Most folks don't believe that I weigh 360, and I work out like mad, but it never goes away. (But we'll see after Nov. 11th!)
   — track

October 13, 2003
ME! Bowling ball with toothpick arms/legs. I shrunk & shrunk, but could not wear zipper pants, even at 129#. Had to be stretch waist until after my reconstruction. My doc BUILT me a waist. It's not tiny, but it looks normal after a lifetime of Balloon Belly or Shelly Belly, as they called me in school.
   — vitalady

October 13, 2003
Is your friend wearing a stomach band? It's something that I'm reading about. It seems that some Dr's use them others don't. But they provide some support to the stomach which helps with the pain. I hope your friend feels better real soon! Blessings, Scout pre-pre-op
   — Marrilee M.

October 14, 2003
me! at 305 pounds, i have looked like i don't know what with toothpicks for legs and arms - i had lap wls 3 weeks ago and was really sore (thought i would die 11 hours after surgery when they had me stand up to be weighed!) for a couple of days; then when i went home 4 days after surgery and started moving around and going back to work on the 6th day, my stomach was very, very sore - i understand there is a stomach belt that can be purchased to help with the discomfort. perhaps that's worth looking into? i just know we shouldn't lift anything heavy for several weeks (like 2 months or thereabouts), as it is too hard on our insides. good luck! diana.
   — Diana D.

October 14, 2003
Yes,that is ME. My Doctor even put extra support binders in my stomach. So not only did I have all those staples up and down, I had 3 sphagetti looking stictures across, talk about pain. I weight 345 prior to surgery. I didn't feel better until about 10 days after surgery. Just tell here to hang in there, it will get better. Since all of our weight is in the belly, she will need to be more careful and support her stomach as much as possible unitl she feels better.
   — ANN P.

October 15, 2003
Hi, I started out at 417 lbs on the day of my surgery, 15 July 03, I am now down 80 lbs. Maybe its diff for a man than a woman but I have had no problem at all after surgery, maybe its just good luck. Anyway hang in there and things will get better and easier to get around.
   — DANNY C.

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