Recent post-op noticing painful bulge in stomach

I had a lap RNY 10 days ago. So far, my recovery has been fine, and I've been eating and walking outside with no problems. Pain has been manageable, and I haven't taken pain meds, other than a single Vicodin one of my first nights home. This morning, I discovered a large bulge on my left side, under my breast and above one of my major incisions. If I were further out from my surgery, I'd be tempted to think this were a hernia, but after only 10 days that seems unlikely. I'm not running a temperature. The bulge, which is about the size of the palm of my hand, is noticeable in the mirror as well as by touch. It's sore/tender, as well. I've called my doctor about this, of course, but since he's in surgery, it might be a while before I hear back from him. Has anyone else had any similar problem within a few weeks after surgery? Any insights you can share would be most appreciated. If it's more convenient, I can be reached at [email protected] as well as on this message board. Thanks, Jen.    — Jennifer .. (posted on September 19, 2003)

September 19, 2003
I am no doctor so please do not take what I say to heart, but it is a possibility you may have a hernia. I had one and just had a tummy tuck/hernia repair 4 weeks ago and am doing fine. Please get with your doctor as soon as possible. I noticed my hernia about a month after surgery, it was a small bulge at my incision in front of my stomach, and of course, after months, it got bigger and bigger until they repaired it. Please don't take what I say as gospel cos I am NO doctor. See you doctor as soon as possible.
   — Judy W.

September 19, 2003
I would be way more concerned about some sort of fluid build up, especially if it is hard and sore to the touch. Make sure you talk to the doctor soon and if it gets any worse over the weekend do not wait till Monday but call the surgeon's answering service and have them see you in the ER. Don't want to end up real sick. I hope it's something minor but don't fool around. Hopefully the surgeon will call today yet. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

September 19, 2003
As the previous poster said, I would be more concerned that it is fluid build up. I had that happen at about 10 days post-op as well. I saw my surgeon at two weeks out and he drained it. All has been well since then. Some of us when healing our bodies produce fluids faster than our bodies can absorb and this is what happens. I say contact your surgeon and hopefully it is just some fluid buildup that can be drained.
   — Kamy

September 19, 2003
Fear Not! I had the same thing. It was just under the incision below my right breast. Mine didn't really hurt but it was hard. Like I had an easter egg in there. I went to my surgeon about it and he said it was a "seroma" (might be spelling that wrong). I had been worried about fluid from other things I'd read but he said a seroma is just some blood buildup (yeah, i know that SOUNDS bad). He described it as the same thing as a bruise. Lots of pushing on the skin when lap instruments are inside those tiny holes. He said if you think about how thick your skin and flesh are, it just goes down that deep because the cut went all the way through. He said blood build up (aka bruise) is just deep and it will get smaller and smaller. He was right. After 2-3 weeks, it was completely gone. I'd venture to say yours might be the same thing IF it's hard like mine...but if the pain is serious, you need to call the surgeon...just to be on the safe side! Good luck to you!
   — Donya P.

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