I can't keep anything down except a little water and medicine.

Is it is possible to have a stricture this early? I was fine the first few days then this... Unfortunatly my Dr. isn't on call this weekend and the one that is isn't very helpful. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks    — SJP (posted on September 14, 2003)

September 14, 2003
Hi SJP! Yes, it is most definately possible to have a stricture this early out. Bowel obstruction can also lead to not being able to get anything down. Please follow up with the surgeon, even the one you don't like as if you aren't able to get anything down, you can get very sick, dehydrated, have to be rehospitalized, etc.
   — CarolineAnnMartin

September 14, 2003
That was me!!!!!! I came home after 3 nights in the hospital, then was home one night and back I went. I hadn't gone o the bathroom and didn't realize it. Everything I ate came back, undigested. I was sure it was a stricture but after 2 more nights in the hospital it turned out to be that the percosets and other pain narcotics stalled and blocked my GI system. They gave me an enema and a laxative and then after I "went" I was fine. MY suggestion is that if you haven't had a bowel movement you call and speak to the covering Dr. and tell him, and ask what you can take. Tomorrow AM you should speak to your Dr. and follow his advice. Don't wait too long as you may become dehydrated. To all pre ops who are reading this----------------insist that they help you have a bowel movement BEFORE you leave the hospital, with a laxative if needed. I was fine after I finally did, and never looked back. Good luck!!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

September 16, 2003
If your own surgeon or PCP isn't on call, talk to the one that is!!! Get yourself some help right away...good luck!!!
   — Deborah M.

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