When can one start having sex again after a open RNY?

   — Maria M. (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 12, 2003
Do ask your surgeon. With the hernia risk fun might come with a price:(
   — bob-haller

September 12, 2003
i did one week postop in the recliner
   — franbvan

September 13, 2003
I heard one doctor say "wait at least until you leave the hospital."
   — Cathy S.

September 13, 2003
I was told 2 weeks.
   — Maria S

September 13, 2003
Wait until you get out of surgery at the very least. Those OR tables are too d*mn hard *G*!!! JR
   — John Rushton

September 13, 2003
Cathy, I did not take that advice. I guess I was so relieved to be alive that it was a wonderful way to celebrate.
   — Ann B.

September 13, 2003
when your alone hon, just do it to it and be carefull!! owe you might want to also check with your surgeon......
   — Deanna Wise

September 14, 2003
Dang....I had surgery June 23 and am still waiting!! I had special tension sutures with bridges (see my profile) until the end of August. Couldn't do anything with them in. Wouldn't ya know the Saturday before I was scheduled to have them out my husband fell off a ladder and broke 4 ribs! Now that I am ready and willing ..... we have to wait for him to heal up! Guess it's my turn for the cold showers!!
   — Kathy J.

September 14, 2003
BTC said after 2 weeks "using good judgement" ? I think the chandalier swinging was probably ok, LOL
   — **willow**

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