Which test reveals you have one?

I recently had to go to a Cardiologist and take a Echo and Stress Cardiogram. He said my heart was fine. He felt I had Acid Reflux and/or a Hiatel Hernia. How can they tell you have a hernia? I recall one Doctor years ago saying I had one, but I do not recall how he discovered that or if test had been ran. Is this something you can feel? I know it bulges outward..but which test reveal it?    — TerryS (posted on September 10, 2003)

September 10, 2003
Teri, Most Docs. can tell by your symptoms if it isn't Heart related. The only test I know of that truely shows a Hiatal Hernia is a Barium Swallow or Upper GI series. I am an X-Ray tech. so we do these all the time. Most patients either have reflux-acid or a Hiatal Hernia. Hope that helps some.
   — Tammy E.

September 10, 2003
A hiatal hernia is when the upper part of your actual stomach bulges up through the hole in your diaphragm that your esophagus passes through. It does not bulge out. Hiatal hernias are not uncommon, and there is a lot of acid reflux with them, because the part of the stomach squeezed up through the hole doesn't empty out very well. People with hiatal hernias most times have a lot of heartburn and sometimes feel like food is stuck. Neither the Echo or stress test would show a hiatal hernia, but your cardiologist is making a diagnosis based on the "ruling out" of of cardiac causes of the symptoms you have probably told him you are having.
   — koogy

September 10, 2003
Thank all...Tammy I had the barium swallow for the Upper GI and never heard a word about a I guess it is safe to assume it is acid reflux. This is quite painful at times. The Cardiologist said all of that {hernia, reflux) is located in close proximity to the heart and thats why I cannot tell the difference in the reflux and angina. I guess the abnormal ekg just threw me for a loop and if the Cardiologist cleared me, then I guess I am cleared..and that's a good thing!
   — TerryS

September 10, 2003
Hello Teri, My H-hernia was found 18 years ago, during a series of test, mainly involving the Barium swallow testing. Over the years my condition worsened and I don't know what caused it, but I also am the stumped owner of a ring around my asophagus, I know there's a term for it, but I can't quite remember the spelling, but it sounds like, shotskie's ring. I'm now 9 weeks post op and haven't had much trouble with acid reflux. Prior to wls, I was on Protonix for the acid reflux which cleared up the problems I was having in relation the acid reflux and also it aleviated the problem of food getting stuck in my throat.
   — Rosa F.

September 11, 2003
I have acid reflux (or GERD), the way my doctor found out I had a Hiatel Hernia was bt (I'm not sure of the spelling) barium (sounds like bear-re-um)x-ray.
   — Janice W.

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