Could this be a hernia?

I went through the library and saw many quetions on this but my question was not specifically answered so I apologize if this question is redundant. I have this pain in my upper right abdomen to the right side of my incision below my rib cage (not underneath). It is a burning/pulling sensation. I don't know any difference in pain when lifting things but I do feel a hard, grape sized lump in that area. The discomfort is increasing daily and was wondering if this sounds like a hernia? Most people I've read have had huge bulges at their belly buttons and that is not the case for me so I'm not sure. If it is a hernia is this something I need to contact my doc right away about or can I wait until my visit on 9/23? Thanks for your input! Denise-Open RNY -105lbs    — denisel (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
Hi! I had/have the same thing and saw my surgeon yesterday. Mine wasn't a hernia, it was/is some scar tissue from where they put a few deep stitches in the muscle there. Sometimes, I "catch" it and it just kills me!! It is sore to the push-touch and there is a knot there... but it isn't a hernia. The muscle is easily pulled and I just have to be careful! I am 20months out, too... IMHO, unless it gets really painful, it can wait. I'm a big-time non-alarmist, too, though... so... lol! :~) Not all hernias are located near your belly button!! You could have what is called an incisional hernia. I'd call and tell the nurse what is going on and let them decide if it should wait or not! :~) Good Luck!
   — Sharon m. B.

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