I'm 5 months out and always tired!

I have a doctor's appt. scheduled for tomorrow, and will have bloodwork done as per my surgeon's request. I've done everything (short of increasing vitamin intake) to try and combat this feeling of exhaustion. It started about a month and a half to 2 months ago. I've increased the number of hours I sleep, cut down on extra-curricular activities, etc. but I still feel drained of all energy. Anyone else experience this? Maybe a vitamin deficiency?    — Amy A. (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
I just vs with my PCP today. She told me it takes about 6 months to regain the energy you lose from having had anesthesia. Don't give up. You have come way too far
   — Patsy W.

September 3, 2003
Amy, I am 5 months p.o. too and feel the exact same way. Sorry I don't have any info to help you as I am seeking myself; however, I just wanted to know that you aren't alone. Good luck! Denise-Open RNY 3/20/03-280/175/150
   — denisel

September 3, 2003
Two things that help me...exercising and B-12 sub-linguals...see if those things help at all! Also, you may not be eating enough??? Try to eat a little bit of protein all day long, I keep jerky, nuts and string cheese handy.
   — missmollyk

September 3, 2003
I'm 4 weeks out... thought I felt fine until I went back to work yesterday. After 2 hours I was exhausted. I left after three hours and almost fell asleep behind the wheel on the way home. I slept for 18 hours afterward! Oh yeah, my job: I'm a writer... sitting at a computer writing! I feel like a wuss, but understand I'm not alone. When will this exhaustion end? Hopefully not in 6 months!
   — terriny

September 3, 2003
I had the same problem. When my pcp did the bloodwork, he found out that my thyroid meds had to be adjusted - actually the dosage had to be tripled! Now, about two months later I feel fine again. Good luck.
   — kathyb

September 3, 2003
I'd would definitely increase the vitamins, especially B-12. I take a generic B-Complex in addition to a B-12 shot each month. Also, don't forget the exercise. It does help. I can tell a big diffence when I take the vitamins and when I don't.
   — Yvonne G.

September 3, 2003
My B12 makes a big difference in my energy level.
   — bethybb

September 3, 2003
You can get a sublingual b12 at most vitamin stores... it is cheaper than a b12 shot, and you can take it up to every day, if you want. It sure has helped me with energy! :~) Get your vities checked through blood work first, though, okay?? WHile it won't hurt to have too much B12, it wouldn't be great to increase everything but what is causing the lack of energy! LOL! :~) Iron deficiency can make you sluggish, too! :~) Calcium and/or potassium deficiencies can make you feel tired and drained... so... get some lab work done! :~)
   — Sharon m. B.

September 4, 2003
I'd agree with the advice to take sublingual B-12. Don't worry about taking it every day. Any extra is just peed out since it's water soluble. Also, are you taking a multivit with IRON? Be sure not to take the iron at the same time as your calcium (citrate, right???). Each interferes with the absorption of the other. So if you're taking them together, you may THINK you are getting plenty of iron, but you may not be. How much protein are you getting a day? You can look on under tools to find a percent body fat calculator that will tell you how much protein you need to sustain your lean body mass. (For me it is 77, but I aim for 100 just in case. :) Drinking your water? Exercising??? I'd agree you need to get your bloodwork checked, but make sure all your ducks are in a row so that you are doing everything you can to ensure your health!
   — ctyst

September 4, 2003
Original Poster here: Thank you all for your advice. My bloodwork will be done today, so I'll know more once results come back. I never take my calcium (yes, citrate) with any other vitamin. I drink a gallon of water a day, excercise (not as often as I should), and eat/drink 100+ grams of protein a day....which is why I was so stumped...I shouldn't be this tired, but I am. My surgeon recommended 2 B-12 sublinguals a week, so I've been taking one on Wednesdays and one on Saturdays. I guess I'll find out if I need to take more B-12 after today. I take 6 calcium pills a day (2 after breakfast, 2 after lunch & 2 before bed). I take 2 multi-vitamins a day (one when I wake up & one before supper). I eat pretty well...some days not enough, but most days, plenty. I sleep fairly well. I will be curious to know what it is I might be missing. I wasn't this tired after surgery...actually, I had plenty of energy for the first 3 months post-op. We'll see! Thanks again...
   — Amy A.

September 4, 2003
In addition to B-12 (which is a good guess as to your symptoms), iron might be a problem. Often, we need to supplement with iron *beyond* that which is found in a multivitamin. Good luck with your labs, and be sure to keep copies yourself to watch for trends even within the "normal" ranges.
   — Suzy C.

September 5, 2003
Almost 2.5 years out and still have that problem. I've had every kind of blood test, and take B-12 shots 4 TIMES a MONTH instead of once. It makes no difference. I'm still washed out.
   — Danmark

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