During surgery, will they poke my little pouch?

Does anyone know if during any surgery using general anthesia(?), do they always insert a ng tube down your throat? Now that I am 8 mos post op RNY, I'm a little worried that during my next surgery (this Friday) they could insert a tube and poke my little pouch. Is this a real possiblity?    — jocelyn (posted on August 12, 2003)

August 12, 2003
I believe that they only put down an N/G tube if they need to suction off your gastric contents. But you should make the hospital and surgeon aware of your previous RNY surgery just in case...JR
   — John Rushton

August 12, 2003
It is not common to place an NG tube - only an ET tube - one goes down from the nose to the stomach, the other only holds open the throat (ET = endotracheal tube). You should be given an opportunity to speak with the anesthesiologist before your case, and be sure he/she knows you have had gastric bypass.
   — bethybb

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