A drink question from someone hoping for surgery

I am hoping that I can qualify for surgery so I am researching as much as possible. Because of my blood pressure I quit caffiene drinks and have been addicted to Wal-mart's Sam's Choice Diet Caffiene free cola that has like 5mg sodium in it. Would it still be unsafe after surgery?    — SCARLETAKA (posted on August 10, 2003)

August 10, 2003
I was told by my Nutritionist who specializes in Gastric Bypass Nutrition that the recent (Jan 03) research showed NO CARBONATED beverages. I know they also say no caffeine drinks. Carbonation can stretch the pouch.
   — Shannon L.

August 10, 2003
It might be safe but is not recommended. No carbonated drinks of any kind. I was a Diet Coke addict and have had zero problems giving it up. I had a couple sips at about 5 months PO and it didn't even taste too great, so don't sweat it. Our tastes change quite a bit. Basically I live on ice water, diet snapple and occassionally crystal light. The first month I lived on CL but kind of burned out on it. Basically I replaced DC with diet snapple.
   — zoedogcbr

August 10, 2003
Some people are told no carbonation, others are told it's ok. I was told it was fine if I could tolerate it. I don't drink diet pepsi anymore because it doesn't taste right. For a long time, I missed regular coke, but I don't think about it anymore. I just drink sugar free kool aid, water, crystal light, and sometimes iced tea with splenda.
   — Diana L.

August 10, 2003
I think that is up to your doctor, I have heard several things about this, it seems the more research there is done they are saying it won't stretch your pouch, because you will get rid of the gas one way or And if it is too much for you it will make you not feel well and you won't want to drink it anyways!
   — Saxbyd

August 10, 2003
Hi, I was told at my pre-op class that we could try carbonated drinks at 3-6 months out, but by that time we may find that we don't like the taste any more. Also, I was told that any dark-colored cola will deplete the calcium in our bodies, not just the ones with caffiene. The carbonation in soda can make us very uncomfortable because of the gas build-up. I'm starting to become addicted to Crystal lite, Fruit2o, and now I'm even starting to WANT WATER! AND I'M STILL PRE-OP! Sorry, but that's a major milestone. I've been slowly weaning myself off of Diet Coke so that I have one in the morning and the rest of the day drink Crystal Lite or flavored water. Good luck!
   — Moysa B.

August 10, 2003
I've had one experience with Diet Coke since surgery. I waited until 6 months and tried it. Nothing horrible happened and I waited for it to happen. However, I could only drink about 1/3 of it (if that) and it didn't taste great to me. However, no reaction from my pouch. Your mileage may vary. I have no desire for another one.
   — susanje

August 10, 2003
Oh Stacey....I was so addicted to Diet Coke prior to surgery and I didn't think there was any way I could live without it!! Now that I am 7 weeks post-op, I no longer crave soda at all! I tried Diet Coke and with the first sip, I was disgusted!! It tasted so gross to me!! Haven't had any since!! Now I am addicted to water!!
   — Terri G.

August 10, 2003
I am 7 weeks out and tried some of my hubby's diet coke (through a straw nonetheless) ... I ended up with horrible belching and gas pains ... won't do that again for quite a while ... BUT ... if I do need that cola flavor, I'll put some in popsicle trays and freeze them ... that will pretty much take all the carbonation out, and I'll still have a cola popsicle!
   — Karyn B

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