Has anyone had to pay for the plastic surgery on their arms?

I had my gastric surgery in Feb, 2003 and have lost 103 lbs. I am having a hard time buying clothes now because of my arms. A large size top fits my body, but not my arms and a woman's 1X top fits my arms, but is too big for my body. I have heard that insurance does not cover the surgery to take off the excess skin and fat from the upper arms. Has anyone had this surgery and paid for it themselves? IF yes, about how much did it cost?    — Lisa C. (posted on August 4, 2003)

August 3, 2003
I did...$1500 per arm...
   — merri B.

August 3, 2003
I did...$1500 per arm...the incision went from mid forearm to just below my ribcage. She pulled the skin that was hanging down along my sides too. I had my boobs, my belly, a 'lower body lift' and the skin on the inside of my legs, ankle to groin, removed, over 45 pounds of skin tissue.
   — merri B.

August 3, 2003
Lisa, I can SO relate to you!! I've lost 115 lbs. in my 11 months and currently have about 4 inches of hanging skin on my arms. :-( Buying clothese is seriously difficult to say the least. I had heard that most insurance companies don't cover the arms, but that's not always the case. I'm having my arms and boobs done in November and my insurance approved both. I don't have rashes or any of that. My surgeon had told me that most insurance companies won't pay for the arms, but he was surprised too! :-)Make sure and submit to insurance before assuming they won't pay. I was given a quote of 1500 for surgeon fee and 1520 for the hospital fees (901 for hospital and 619 for anesteshia), so just over 3,000 for the arms alone. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
   — Click

August 3, 2003
I am having my arms done August 18, and my insurance did pay for them! I wasnt expecting for the insurance to pay, but I figured I would try anyways...all they can do is say no! The prices that I got from a few dr's in my are averaged about $5000.00 Good Luck!
   — Mandybub

August 4, 2003
I was told by my plastic surgeon that insurance providers "never" pay for brachioplasty, so we were both ver pleasantly surprised when Acordia and CIGNA paid for my panniculectomy AND brachioplasty. It never hurts to ask! I had no rashes or problems associated with my arms other than the same things you have mentioned...the impossibility of buying dresses or tops that really fit! However, my plastic surgeon submitted full frontal and profile photographs to the insurance providers along with his letter of medical necessity. When I was approved, I couldn't help but think that a "picture says a thousand words" and that they gave me an approval because they simply felt sorry for me having to carry around those horrendous batwings! My surgeon's fee for the brachioplasty was $3500...the panniculectomy and hospital fee were additional costs, but all was completely covered by the insurance. By the way, my surgeon promised me the tummy and arms of a 16 year old...and he was to my WLS, this was the best decision ever. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

August 4, 2003
I've lost 115 lbs since having surgery on 4/22/02. I also have the same problem with buying tops. I have 4.5 inches on skin haning on one arm and 5 inches on the other. I have just been approved by both my insurance companies (BCBS of Illinois)for an arm lift. At first my PS said I had a better chance of getting a tummy tuck approved than an arm lift. At first he didn't want to deal with my insurance at all. What convinced him to work with my insurance companies was that I did all the work, and went into his office prepared to convice him. All my PS had to do is write a letter that I attached with the price ($6,000) and that he agreed that I needed it done. I wrote a 3 page letter explaining why I needed this RECONSTRUCTIVE surgery. I attached pictures with measurements, and attached an article by the American Plastic Surgery Assoc. about how people who loose massive amounts of weight need reconstructive surgery, and an article about the difference between plastic and reconstructive surgery. My hubby's inusrance approved right away and mine denied me. I took all my paperwork, and sent it back to my insurance with the approval from my hubby's insurance, and an appeal letter. I explained that in the long run it would cost them much more money for doctor visits the hanging skin would cause mr. It worked and now they have approved me. When you appeal they send it to a panel of doctors who agreed with me. I see my PS in two weeks to set a date for surgery. I plan on having the surgery in the fall so I can wear long sleves. Feel free to e-mail me and I'll send you copies of my letters ([email protected]). It may take a little longer but if you want it bad enough, and fight for yourself you can win. Good luck to you!
   — Donna W.

August 11, 2003
I paid for my arms. I had the surgery done in 2 stages. The first stage was liposuction on the upper arms to shrink them down. I had this done with my tt. Since the insurance was paying for the tt, I only had to pay the surgeon's fee for the liposuction ($1800). Then, about 6 weeks ago, I had the second part of the arm surgery done and had the excess skin cut off. I got my tubes tied at the same time so again, I only paid for the surgeon's fee ($1800). The incision is primarily under my armpit with an incision that's about 3 inches down the inside of my arm. It does not go to my elbow. Just to the very upper part of my arm as if I was wearing a short sleeve shirt. Much less noticeable. Those scars are healing very quickly. The ones under my armpits are deeper and will take months to heal, but who looks under your arms???!! My advice is to combine the procedure with a covered procedure and then it won't cost you as much.
   — Patty H.

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