I was wondering what pressure after eating could be?

When I first went to the pureed diet I could eat about 1/3 cup of food three times a day. Not I can eat like two or three bites and I get such pressure in my chest that I feel the need to throw up. I spend the time "spitting up" but only froth. I still can drink water but if I drink milk I get that same pressure feeling and I noticed that I can't drink my water as much as I used to but I still am getting my 64oz a day. Anyone else? I am four weeks post op tomorrow and am down 34lbs.    — horserider0146 (posted on July 24, 2003)

July 24, 2003
Are you still on pureed foods? If you have moved to "real" foods, you won't be able to eat as much. That pressure is telling you the pouch is full and you should stop eating!<p>If you are still on pureed and started having this problem you may have the beginnings of a stricture. Not pleasant, but easily fixed. If you get to the point where you can't keep down liquids be sure to call your dr!
   — ctyst

July 24, 2003
You may not be ready for certain textures of food (e.g., meat) and may need to eat soft foods longer (beans, mashed potatoes, green beans, hot cereal, etc.). Slow down the eating and use your baby spoon. Papaya enzyme is good if you think some food is stuck which aids digestion. Also, inform your doctor of the problem because they may want to suggest other remedies for you.
   — Starrlina

July 24, 2003
I had similiar symptoms at 3 weeks out and it turned out to be a stricture which is a common complication at 3 weeks out...Call your surgeon and see about getting an endoscopy done.It's a simple outpatient procedure but if you let it go untreated then you can get dehydrated and end up in the hospital like I did.
   — jennifer A.

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