Has anyone been completely satisfied with the results of WLS ...

without having to have tummy tuck, breast lift or other forms of reconstuctive surgery? If so what was your build before. This is something that really worries me. (5'1 and 228lbs)    — April R. (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
hiya~ pre op i was 268lbs and i am 5' 1/4". i now weigh 124 and i've not had any reconstructive surgery nor am i planning on it. yes i have "batwings" but not too bad, i have a saggy stomach - will not pass for britney spears (LOL) but like my ob-gyn says "you have the stomach of a 35 year old woman who had 3 c-sections" inner thighs are baggy but i wear tank tops, shorts, form fitting clothes and am proud of my body. i work out hard to keep my muscles firm and i know there is nothing besides surgery to do for the baggy skin but for ME, i had a goal of being happy with my body as it is and i have achieved that goal. i have a website with some pics if you wanna check it out: good luck! kate
   — jkb

July 16, 2003
I was also a lightweight, apple shape. The skin thing isn't a big issue. I am wanting to have some surgery on the loose tummy, but there are no rashes and no medical necessity. It just isn't enough skin. So, if I don't get approved, its not a big deal, and I can live with it. I would just rather have it removed. Pants would fit more nicely, and I would feel better. My arms are fine, thighs are fine. This probably reflects the apple shape that I have. When I was losing, I lost from the top, down. I turned into a pear 'momentarily'. I had a waist compared to my hips and I loved it. Now that I stopped losing, my body is reconfiguring. The measuring tape has gone down on my thighs, but up an INCH on my waist. Ahhhhh! I didn't expect that to happen. Anyway, to answer your question, no, not COMPLETELY satisfied with the skin thing, but not too bad! 245/145
   — Cheri M.

July 16, 2003
Your build and mine are almost the same (5'2-248). After WLS, I was NOT happy with the excess skin. After having a tt, my self esteem shot through the roof.
   — Patty H.

July 16, 2003
Completely satisfied??? Overjoyed!!! My goals a year ago were to eliminate my diabetes so that I didn't have to go back on insulin and to wear a size 16. In my widest dreams I wanted to wear a 14 and weigh 199, I didn't care if I ever got below that I just wanted to be under 200. I had started out at 268 pounds and a size 24. Within the first five weeks I lost over 40 pounds and I was wearing my goal of a size 16. At 12 weeks post op I hit 199 pounds and I was wearing a size 12. I thought that that was it I was done I couldn't imagine ever getting smaller. By the time I was six months post op I was wearing a 4 or 6. I didn't even think my skeleton could fit into a size 4!!!! Now at 1 year post op I am still wearing a 4. I have lost 126 pounds. My post op pictures on this site are befor my TT. They didn't really remove much skin, it was less than two pounds. However, they were able to remove most of the stretch marks I had, that gave my stomach a "wrinkled" appearance. I was also completely satisfied before the TT. To me the TT was that final touch I needed for myself to look in the mirror ad be happy with what I saw. But more important than the way I look is the way I feel so good. I can't even put into words the difference in the way I feel. I run, go bike riding, swim and play. Little things like painting my toe nails or shaving my legs are now done easily. Instead of watching my kids grow up I am an active participant in their lives. Having WLS doesn't just improve the life of the patient, it can improve the lives of the entire family as a whole. I have changed the eating habits of my kids to hopefully break this cycle of obesity within my family. Check out my profile for more info.
   — Linda A.

July 17, 2003
April, I am 5'1 and started at 232. I am just over 10 months out I am now 118 pounds and, yes I am completely satisfied. However, my body isn't perfect. My arms and tummy are fine and I wouldn't do anything to them. My poor boobs are deflated and could use some work. My thighs are a little saggy. I'm never going to be a swim suit model, but at least now, I look good in clothes. Think about it this way, do you know any woman of any size or shape who is COMPLETLY satisfied with her body? I don't. I'd do it again in a second.
   — Amber L.

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