Thank you all for such timely, excellent advice!!! about hunger

I NEVER knew until I read these answers that this hunger is supposed to go away in three weeks! I'm so encouraged!    — Postop_nurse (posted on July 15, 2003)

July 15, 2003
I am surprised to hear that you have been led to believe that hunger goes away after three weeks. Of course you are hungry on liquids and it DOES get better when you are allowed to eat BUT there will be many times along your journey that it will return with a vengenance. Some people don't even feel hunger until they are a few weeks or months out. Then it is terrible. I am five months out and have days where I don't even want to eat and other days that I am so hungry I almost cry. But the good thing is, it doesn't take much to feel me up. Some days I feel all I do is eat. Some mornings when I get out of bed, my stomach is growling because I am so hungry. Maybe everyone was talking about yours will get better after you are allowed to eat. I certinly hope so. I would hate to think that any of us would ever tell a person that they will not have to deal with hunger. Good luck!!!!!!1
   — Delores S.

July 15, 2003
Oh yes, there will always be hunger. The 'head' hunger thing you experience so intensely at first goes away. And you CAN control your hunger at ANY time if you eat. What I mean is, when you are hungry, have some protein. Be sure to have three meals a day with adequate protein. Hunger can be kept at bay. There are days I am hungrier than others. I notice when I go into a plateau, my appetite increases a little. I think it's that ol' 'set rate' monster rearing it's ugly head. My body THINKS it needs to stop losing. NOT! However, with a small amount of the appropriate foods, I am totally satisfied. If you are injesting too many carbs, this will make you hungry. Protein works the curbs your appetite. This from MY experiences. Open RNY 10/30/02 down 172 lbs.
   — Ginger M.

July 15, 2003
Hi, I'm 3 months out and I still don't feel any hunger pains. I am finally feeling the fullness feeling but hunger, nothing. It's very frustrating because everyone always tells you not to eat when you don't feel hungry when you are dieting but now, I have to eat even though I don't feel hungry because of the surgery. I can keep up a good eating schedule during the week but when the weekends come, I forget to eat because I don't have a set schedule. But the best thing is, you get used to it all and then it starts going smoothly. Good luck on the loosing side!
   — Kim J.

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