What types of cereal can we have post-op?

   — Red T. (posted on June 27, 2003)

June 27, 2003
I have had Cheerios and Corn Flakes without any problems. I have also heard of some people having Special K too. I usually can eat about 1/2 cup of cereal. Probably as long as it isnt one of those sugar sweetened cereals of course(Froot Loops, Cocoa Puffs, etc) you should be ok. Good Luck!
   — Kris T.

June 27, 2003
Why would you want to eat ceral? To many carbs, to much sugar, some people can not take milk, and it is wasted calores. I am a type II diabetic, and my surgery is in 40 days, but if you want to have ceral, use some grapenuts on top of some light yogart.
   — cindy

June 27, 2003
I started on Cream of Rice the first week post-op. Then I found KETO products a high protein oatmeal (17 g) at a health food store (have also seen it at GNC near Atkins products). They even have cold cereal but that was "ok" the texture is sort of stiff. It's expensive paid $5.99 for a box of the cold cereal so I will eat every gram. LOL No splenda was necessary for me.
   — Starrlina

June 27, 2003
I have a really hard time with cereal and milk. I sometimes can get away with Special K or Grape Nuts. Honey Bunches of Oats Almond + milk makes me hypoglycemic hours later (not like dumping which happens right away) even though it only has 6 grams of sugar.<p>I eat a lot of hot cereal: Oatmeal, seven-grain, etc. made with milk. That way I get protein and fiber--the only 2 things I track. I have also recently added Flaxomeal to my diet. It is similar to instant oatmeal (just add hot water) but has only 2 grams effective carbs, 10 g fiber, and 5 g protein. It is pretty fiber-full and takes a little getting used to but tastes fine. It definitely needs Splenda added because it is flavored but not sweetened. (I like that, though, because most pre-sweetened stuff is too sweet for me.) Another thing I do sometimes is eat Special K with cottage cheese or ricotta. I know it sounds gross but it is actually good.
   — ctyst

June 27, 2003
Kashi has a couple of brands that have high protein in them. I believe one of them is called Good Friends or Kashi Go Lean, but read the box to find the ones with high protein. I used to eat alot of cereal pre-op but now limit to the high protein brand with just a little milk.
   — Cindy R.

June 27, 2003
I think you can have whatever you can tolerate. I usually have Special K mixed with All-Bran with half a banana on top. Carbs or not, this was the only combo that put enough fiber in my diet to get me regular, and it's nice to finally be off of the Metamucil, Benefiber, Pericolace, etc. now. Didn't stop me from reaching (or skidding past) goal. ;-)
   — Suzy C.

June 27, 2003
That's one thing I can still eat with sugar. I eat whatever my kids eat:o)
   — Sandy M.

June 27, 2003
When I have it, it's usually Special K or Kashi Go Lean. However, I eat it dry as a finger food as I don't like soggy cereal...JR
   — John Rushton

June 27, 2003
It never fails to amaze me the varied responses these questions get. NOT ALL CARBS ARE BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Complex, whole grain carbs are ESSENTIAL for a healthy body!!!!!!!!!!! I eat Kashi Go Lean a few times a week. With a little skim milk, it provides 12g protein and a whopping 10g fiber. Very low in sugar. I agree that maybe things like Rice Krispies have no nutritive value, but some cereals are very good choices.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 27, 2003
I'm with Inga :o)...complex carbs are good for you - you need them sometimes, especially if you are exercising on a regular basis for energy...I eat cereal occasionally (the milk is what gets me with it), but sometimes, if I have time in the mornings on the way to work, I will stop at Enstein Bros Bagel shop and get one of their Power Bagels..I know I know - it's a bagel, but it's loaded with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. The shop boosts about the 27 grams of protein that are in each little loaf (think small hotdog bun without the hotdog for size comparison). I get it and have it cut in half, and use regular cream cheese on it..sometimes peanut butter for the added protein. I eat half or as much of half in the morning, and then have the other half in the afternoon as a snack...I love it! But most of the time, I have cereal BARS for breakfast on the go. I can't stomach eggs or yogurt, even at 2 years out, and don't want heavy meats first thing in the morning (bacon, sausage, etc). BTW...I buy Special K, or the Kashi products when I do get cereal...Good luck! Denise 316/153
   — lily1968

June 28, 2003
I love and i mean love my Special K!!! i hated ceral pre op. and by the way i eat it dry, i wouldnt have it any other way! alex open rny 12/18/02 250-168
   — Alexandria D.

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