What Weight Would You "Settle" For If You Don't Meet Goal?

I know everyone has a goal weight but If you dont get there what is the weight that you will be happy with.. My goal weight is 135 but I will be just as pleased to be 145-150..    — Catherine B (posted on June 14, 2003)

June 14, 2003
having been obese all my 50 years, i did not have a goal weight. i had a goal size. i wanted to be a size 14 but, would have settled for a 16. pre-op i was a 48 or 4x & wore a 48DD bra. i am now 18 months post op & my weight is 160 lbs. i have a total loss of 120 lbs. i dont care if i never lose another lb because i now wear a size 10. am i a happy camper? you bet i am!!!!
   — sheryl titone

June 14, 2003
Catherine, Why should you or anyone else have to "settle" at all? If you would be happy with being 145-150 than why do you even have a goal weight set up for yourself at all? I have a goal weight set up for myself because to me that's where I know I'll be happy at. I have not been obese my entire life. I did and can get down to 130lbs again and will!! I am the kind of person though that when I say okay today I'm going to walk 2 miles, I don't "settle" for only 1 mile and than go home. I didn't "settle" for my husband, I didn't "settle" for my friends and I sure as hell am not going to "settle" for 15-20lbs over what I know I personally can achieve. But hey...that's just me! The one thing I've learned in my young 30 years of life is that you cannot expect someone else to make you happy. You can only truly get that from within yourself. And I know I will only truly be happy getting to my goal weight. I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world. Take care, Audrey
   — Audrey W.

June 14, 2003
You should make your goal weight what ever you feel you will be happiest at...I have changed mine so many times its unreal first i set it at 130 becuz of the chart then is said screw the chart im gonna set it at 140 easier & closer to get to then i said hmmm maybe i would like to lose another 5 pnds and set it to 135 now ive reset it to 125-130 so with all that said and done, i just say keep going till your happy and comfortable and that will be ur ulitmate goal! good luck to you hon
   — Deanna Wise

June 14, 2003
My "goal" has always been to feel great and do more with my family (4 sons)! So I am kind of at goal now! I have also said anything under 200 and the rest is gravy!!! For my height I should weigh around 125-130, but having been 325 anything under 200 will be a blessing!!!
   — Haziefrog

June 14, 2003
my goal weight since am 5'5 should be about 145-150 and am there right now am about 9 months post-op but I had complications in the begining. I really don't want to be skinny my ribs already starting to show. I think just thinking about a goal weight is way to hard for me it was like I was on a diet again striving to be thin. But think about almost all of us had medical problems before surgery so a good goal would be to be healthy and be able to run or walk up stairs without geting out of breath.
   — sheri B.

June 14, 2003
To say you'll be happy at a certain size is not a good way to determine where you should end up. I know because I live it. I'm 5'2.5" and weigh 135(ish..I flux a lot). This is where my body fights me to be. I know when I get lower (and my desired..."I'll be happy at" weight is 125)my body fights me with insane cravings/hunger/food becomes a mental battle. If you can tell yourself (and convince yourself) that just getting healthy is your goal, the better off you'll be. When I get real crazy and determined to be a certain weight, I gain...some sort of mental sabatoge. Just live, eat healthy and be merry...forget the scale (if you can). God bless. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01
   — KimBo36

June 14, 2003
My doctor set the goal weight for 144#. I am 5'6" and do not rememeber when the last time was that I even weighed under 170#. So I can't even imagine weighing below that. I guess I would be happy with any weight under 170 even though it would be awsome to weigh what the charts say I should weigh. Who know s,I am only 10wks post op so I have a lot of time yet before I hit that mark.
   — Jan S.

June 14, 2003
I want to be a size 8. For me that could be 130 lbs or 160...I don't know...I've never been that small. My doctor wants me around 140. If I had to pick a number I'd say 130.
   — Renee B.

June 15, 2003
Well, at 5'2" my goal is 108lbs. but I'd be okay if I stayed where I am at 119lbs. I am 10 months out. 212/119/108
   — TP

June 15, 2003
I didn't start this with a goal "weight" in mind, just a goal. My goal is to lose enough weight to be able to walk into Wal-Mart and buy a pair of pants. I don't care what size, just to be able to buy some sort of normal sized, normal PRICED clothing. Anything after that is gravy.
   — dkinson

June 15, 2003
i was hoping to be at 145 even though that would still have me overweight since i'm only 5'3, but i'd be happy at 157. that would make me 1/2 of what i was. right now i'm at 171 1/2 and am having my tummy tuck next month.
   — candymom64

June 15, 2003
I am 5'4.5" and my goal wt is 150ish however I would actually be happy and 190 and would believe it or not feel comfortable at 240 so Im not picky anything under what I am now is a blessing. Lisa F
   — Lisa F.

June 15, 2003
I am having my surgery July 1st. I'm 5'2" and 265#. I don't really have a goal weight. I will buy a pair of size 10 Levi's the day before my surgery and the day I fit into them I will feel as though I have hit "my goal".
   — lindadougherty

June 15, 2003
I would love to be under 200, which I haven't been for about 25 years (I'm 45). Just getting to that point will seem like a miracle to me. I haven't thought about clothing sizes yet, because I have no idea what size I'll be wearing if and when I get under 200 (I wear 22-24 pants now). At this point, I just want to feel better, have more energy, and be able to do things I haven't done for a long time. If that happens, it will truly be miraculous and the best gift I could ever receive.
   — Carlita

June 15, 2003
My reason for this surgery was to get my diabetes under control - I was on 4 shots a day and 3 oral meds and still had numbers over 250. I left the hospital still on insulin and took 3 months to get off that, and another 3 months to get off the orals. At 11 months I'm not on any meds and my last A1C was 4.9. Therefore I have hit my goal. For my weight I have short term goals. My current goal is 216 (currently 226) so that I'm no longer severely obese. Next it will be to get under 200 and then I'll shoot gor 180 which will put me at overweight. After that, I'll see how I feel. Every pound is a fight now.
   — Sunny S.

June 16, 2003
I think I'd be happy with what I am now, I'm almost 13 months post op and started at 303 pounds and amd down to 173, I'm comfortable, I would really love to see my goal weight of 160 though.... something to aim for.... Best Wishes.
   — tannedtigress

June 16, 2003
I am still pre-op. At this time my weight is 350 lbs. My doctor told me I will never be "skinny". I would love to be "skinny" since I never have been. But I am more concerned with being healthy. I would LOVE to get down to a goal of 135 lbs. But I will settle for anything in between the range of 135-180 lbs.
   — Maria S

June 16, 2003
My doctor said I should expect to lose around 100 pounds and would be happy to see me at 175. I, however would like to get down to 150ish. But you know, even if I only ever make 175, it's a heck of a lot better than 274! At that point I should be comfortably in a 12/, I would 'settle', if you can call it that, there if I had to. But, I'm hoping with some hard work (making good dietary choices and exercise) I won't have to worry about settling for anything less than 150. RNY 1-31-03/274/197/150
   — eaamc

June 16, 2003
I found this site at 334, but was at 328 preparing to go into surgery. I KNEW I had been healthy at 250 - so that was what I "hoped" for - and had mini goals (to be under 310, then 300, then 290 - etc by ten pound intervals). I thought 220 was a realistic goal, and to be under 200 - that would be a dream come true! I'm 5'6, and have always been at least obese. I never even wanted the charts recomendation of 142..but I am at 170 at just over a year out and ecstatic! I don't really want to lose anymore, but lost three pounds week. Be realistic, but be healthy and enjoy the ride!
   — Mendi M.

June 16, 2003
Like a few of the others, I resisted setting a weight as a goal and decided to set a size as a goal. I was a size 10 when I got married, and that is where I wanted to be again. My surgeon, of course, decided to record a weight in the charts, 140 as my goal. 13 months after surgery I hit 152 and there I have stayed for the past 3 months. I am happy at this weight and a size 10, and best of all, I can eat almost anything and the weight so far is stabilized. Could I be 140? Easily, if I eat less, but right now I'm happy where I am at.
   — Cindy R.

June 17, 2003
I started at 341. I had surgery 12/18/03 and am now at 275 (slow loser!) If I can't get to goal(160), I would love to be below 200.
   — fieryfish

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