Soy products and soy protein

Hi there, Amos friends! Bare with me, this is a little long. I checked the site before coming here and couldn't find exactly what I needed to know. I have not had any problems eating things with soy in them, veggie burgers or soy nuts, etc. Last month, I went to GNC to get my protein shake ( which is normally whey) and the girl there kept telling me how soy is so much better for women than whey. My husband kept whispering that I shouldn't listen to her, because it seemed that she was giving me more her personal opinion than actual facts. (She said that whey is bad because it expands in the tummy?!) I told her I had WLS and she said she knew all about it. I've been taking this new protein for almost a month and I've been feeling lousy, I get sick and my tummy hurts for a few hours after drinking it. I began changing things for a week to find the true culprit and nothing else has bothered me, but this soy protein drink. I don't understand why I CAN eat soy nuts, etc. but NOT this drink. My question is has anyone else , who isn't allergic to soy, had any trouble with soy protein? Thanks a bunch, Vi. open RNY 9/23/02 down 139 lbs.    — Vi F. (posted on June 6, 2003)

June 6, 2003
I, personally, haven't tried powderd soy protien, but do eat other soy products...except nuts...that was not good! Anyway, I would go back to whey protein because soy isn't as easily absorbed/digested as whey protein. There is a scale used to rate protein called PER (protein effectiveness ratio - I think), and whey ranks at the top for bioavailability (how much your body can use). Whey is also a complet protein (contains all of the essential amino acids), where as *I don't think* soy is (but close). So, in the end, ounce for ounce, dollar for dollar, whey is the smarter choice....especially if you've noticed a difference in your health.
   — eaamc

June 6, 2003
As a woman, soy protien is the WORST protien supplement for you. Switch to whey... it is so much better. The reason why? HORMONES! Soy protien is full of plant hormones that women can usually tolerate unless they are trying to lose weight!! YES, that's right! Why? Because we store our hormones in our fat... and as we lose weight, we are losing all those extra hormones our body doesn't need. They end up going through your blood stream and your body gets chemically "messed up" and by adding MORE hormones, your body gets even more messed up. Try staying away from Soy protien and see if that makes life easier. I know it did for me! Also... I just have to tell you this: Great news for protien bar hunters!!! Grap a Detour bar the next time you are in GNC or Rite Aid... This is the most awsome tasting protien supplement on earth. I mean it... it tastes just like a snickers bar!! AND itis GOOD for you! LOL!! Never thought anything would taste as good as being thin!! LOL Supplement Facts per one 40 gram bar: 160 Calories; 45 of those calories are from fat; total fat grams, 5; 20 mg of cholesterol; 13 total carbs (fiber-2 grams, sugar-5 grams); 15 grams of protien; and lots of vities! I am going out to grab a box of these today... the FIRST time I have EVER bought a whole box of one kind in 15 months... these are that awesome! My HUSBAND eats them!! He HATES soy and whey protien. He really likes these, and can't taste the protien. I have to get enough now, so he can take one for a snack at work every day! LOL!! Better than LOTS of things he eats instead! You won't regret buying or eating these bars! Good luck and let me know how it goes, okay! Hugs!
   — Sharon M. B.

June 6, 2003
I stay away from soy products for the most part, including soy protein powders. I take Levoxyl, a thyroid hormone replacement. Thyroid hormone binds to soy protein, and people who overdo the soy stuff can wind up being symptomatic of hypothyroidism - no fun at all!
   — koogy

June 6, 2003
I agree 100% with Susan. I have the same problem and avoid any soy products like the plague. I'd stick with what worked best for you from the beginning. Can't go wrong with something you know works.
   — Vicki H.

June 6, 2003
soy protien powder is vile, and if it makes you ill then avoid it. you can be allergic (even slightly) to it.
   — janetc00

June 6, 2003
That is odd. Whey protein makes my stomach ache, turn, and ache. Soy is very soothing to my stomach. I can handle soy shakes (do a few a week) and I eat soy crisps all the time.
   — Carla M.

June 6, 2003
Now, you may want to verify this with someone with more "technical" know-how, like "vitalady" or someone, BUT, the director of our support group is COMPLETELY against soy protein, she says that Post-WLS, we cannot get the full benefits of a protein shake unless it is predigested, or has a certain kind of amino acid chain...and that soy protien is the least worthwhile of all protein kinds....we are supposed to look for whey protein isolate in the ingredients...just passing on what I've been told so far.
   — Kelly B.

June 6, 2003

   — Linda A.

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