Help--17 days pre-op with tooth pain!`

Will this stop me from having surgery on the 23? It's one of my molars. Actually I think it is one I already have a crown on. I tapped on each tooth like the dentist did and that's the tooth that hurts! I will call the dentist tomorrow (it's 1 am now). I have waited sooo long and gone through sooo much I can't face having my surgery put off for a stupid tooth! Has anyone else had something similar happen? I know it's not good to have any infection at the time of surgery--maybe I should have it pulled.    — Kathy J. (posted on June 6, 2003)

June 5, 2003
Kathy, I would have it looked at right away, you are right to worry about surgery with an infection. It will probably be one or two trips to the dentist over the next 10 days or so and you will be done with it. Talk to your surgeon and let him know what's up after you see the dentist. I think it's better to have it taken care of. Best of Luck! :-)
   — Pizofret

June 5, 2003
I know exactly what you are going through! My surgery is in 5 days and one week ago I had to have a root canal! I couldn't believe it was happening at this time. Luckily I had a great dentist that has bent over backwards to get me in. I couldn't have it finished in one appt because I, of course, had a reaction to something. I've had a toothache since last week and just had it finished up yesterday. No more toothache! He did put me on an antibiotic just in case which made me feel better. I think it's just a test to see what we can handle as we prepare for surgery! Explain to your dentist your situation and I'm sure he/she will accommodate you. You definitely don't want to compromise your surgery that you've probably waited a very long time for! Take care and good luck to us both! Karen

June 6, 2003
I had a tooth abcess and kidney infection three weeks before surgery. I took antibiotics and proceeded as planned for surgery. Good Luck!
   — Linda M.

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