Anyone out there experience this?

I know it is not particularily surgery related but it happened when I had my "annual" for surgery. When she was doing the pap, it hurt so bad and it burned. She didn't seem too concerned although she did a little when I got a copy of the report. Then when I got my period last week, it is really hard to get a tampon in cause it hurts. I also ride horses and when I am on the horse I can feel the tampon and it burns. I went to an OB today and she couldn't find anything but said it was probably a yeast infection. Anyone out there able to tell me what this is?    — horserider0146 (posted on June 2, 2003)

June 2, 2003
Might not be a bad idea to be tested for a pelvic hernia...IF the meds for a yeast infection don't work. Just a thought.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 2, 2003
Well, it doesn't really explain the tampon issue, but my OBGYN is utilizing this new type of pap test that is supposed to be more accurate, but that sucker IS painful and my doctor knows it. She told me beforehand and said that is the major drawback to it. If your doctor is using the new one, that might be why she didn't show that much concern that you experienced pain during the pap smear. But, again, that doesn't really explain your tampon issue, so the pap smear may have nothing to do with it. Just a suggestion, though.
   — Amanda S.

June 3, 2003
I know when I get a yeast infection I have that burning feeling. It burns worse than it itches. I would treat myself for a yeast infection and if it doesn't go away, then I would worry.
   — Kim N.

June 3, 2003
Your doctor should be able to tell you exactly what is wrong either looking through a microscope or sending it out. If not go to someone that can. You shouldn't have pain for no reason. Numerous things can cause the type of discomfort you are experiencing, yeast, sexually transmitted disease, hormonal imbalance, etc, etc...but your doctor should be able to diagnose. I had pain post menopausal due to a shift in hormone levels. You are much younger :) so I'm positive our diagnosis is different. But your doctor should still be able to help you. Good Luck.
   — Sandi O.

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