How to replenish Electrolytes

I just had a 2 week bout of diarrhea and during this time have had 2 trips to the hospital for IV fluids. I would like to avoid this in the future. Is there anything out on the market that will help replenish electrolytes? I am 5 mths post op RNY and the thought of gatorade scares me to death :)    — daytymer (posted on June 2, 2003)

June 1, 2003
I have always heard that "gatorade" is the answer. Maybe it does not taste as nasty as it use to. (smile) Do what you have to do to stay away from those IV needles! God Bless you on your Journey!
   — Eleanore Davis

June 2, 2003
My private doctors (not surgeon) always pushed gatoraid. I never could drink it as it was sickning sweet. Looking back I should have tried deluting it half and half with water. Perhaps that would be the answer???
   — Danmark

June 2, 2003
hiya! you might want to try the Pedialyte products. they are made for kids so the taste should be different. they make drinks & frozen popsicles. there is also a brand of water called "Smart Water" that has electrolytes in it though i'm not sure if its enough to meet your needs. i found the smart water at Trader Joes & Ralphs. good luck, kate
   — jkb

June 2, 2003
Pedialyte pops (like popsicles) are great! They are much better than the liquid Pedialyte. They are 100 calories per bar so take that into consideration in your calories, but they work!
   — BSB246

June 2, 2003
I love gatorade. In the first month and a half after surgery, I was having so much trouble keeping anything down. I was only getting 20-28 oz of fluid a day. I drank gatorade and never once became dehydrated. My surgeon was having my blood drawn weekly...everything state at good levels. It is one of my staples since I am still have a hard time getting in the recommended amount of fluid a day.
   — Renee B.

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