Is there a chance for dependency on laxatives?

Many of us suffer from chronic constipation post-op, and only get relief with the use of laxatives. However, I'm concerned about a dependency on these, and wondered if anyone had any information on this.    — scottiemaam O. (posted on May 27, 2003)

May 27, 2003
I had surgery on 8/8/02 - and have NEVER
   — penciepaws

May 27, 2003
Sorry about the I started to say. LOL - I had surgery on 8/8/02 and have never ever had to have a laxative, I eat, fruit, vegetables, and lots of protein and lots and lots of for me LAP RYN 8/8/02 -102.
   — penciepaws

May 27, 2003
Yes you can become dependent on them. Have you tried prune juice? High fiber foods, veggies, fiber drinks?
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 27, 2003
I think maybe if you already had problems in this area they will be that much worse after WLS. That is the case with me anyway. My doctor told me to do what ever it takes just like I did before surgery.
   — Tawnda C.

May 27, 2003
I eat oatmeal and other whole grain foods. It works for me. Also, I try to eat plenty of fruits and veggies. If I get too close to an all protein diet I am miserable until I get things moving again! I have also heard that popcorn works for some and also coffee. Coffee used to work for me but now it doesn't seem to have much effect. Oh, well. You could always eat a couple of prunes. I'll never forget the time my husband ate an entire package of prunes . . . LOL I'll bet he never does THAT again! =)
   — ctyst

May 27, 2003
I had problems early on and was trying everything with not much relief. I started eating whole wheat bread (freshly ground wheat, and freshly baked), not the groc. store variety. I found a great little local bread shop that baked fresh daily. One piece of this stuff daily keeps me SO regular. When I run out, I get stopped up again. It is really medicinal for me. I didn't want to become dependent on laxatives like my grandmother did. She had all kinds of problems with that. After a year of buying my bread, I bought a wheat grinder, and heavy duty mixer so that I could bake my own bread. I love it and it has so many added health benefits! I hope you find your answer.
   — Cheri M.

May 27, 2003
I have only been constipated twice since my surgery 18 months ago. And my surgeon does not like for us to use laxatives. He recommended that I eat two or three prunes or dried apricots every day to prevent constipation. And he also recommended that I eat a small bowl of Grape Nuts every morning with enough grape juice on it to soften the cereal - sounds terrible but it is actually pretty good. Sometimes I vary it by putting the grape nuts in yogurt. It works well for me. And if I need something for constipation, he gave me a prescription for Miralax, which is not a laxative but an osmosis agent - it works great.
   — Patty_Butler

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