This is my 3rd day post op and still no BM?

My surgery was Wednesday and all went well. Thanks to everyone here for their suppport! I did not have an enema before the surgery and my last meal was lunch on Tuesday. I had a small meal 2 times yesterday and this morning. I am very bloated but nothing wants to "move"...sorry about the subject. Is it normal to take a while for this? Thanks    — Sharon B. (posted on May 17, 2003)

May 17, 2003
Since you are only 3 days postop I would call my doctor if it were me. I had to have some Milk of magnesia in hospital, but you would want to have the dose correct. SO call.....don't experiment so soon!!
   — CherylS.

May 17, 2003
day 4 or 5 for me...depends on how much/often you eat, walk, drink, etc. Do you get grumblies in your bowels indicating their awake?
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 17, 2003
Anesthesia and pain meds can slow things down. Plus, you're most likely having liquids only at this stage, right? I think it was 5 or so days post-op for me. You may take milk of magnesia if your surgeon suggests it, but I don't think that's warranted yet. "This too shall pass."
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 17, 2003
I had my first 7 days post-op...all normal. There's no waste to waste right now :)
   — Amy A.

May 17, 2003
I got you all beat - 14 days post-op!!! No constipation either - just that I was on a liquid diet for 2 days pre-op with mag citrate/dulcolax bowel preep and on liquids for 2 weeks post-op. Nothing in...nothing out *G*....JR
   — John Rushton

May 17, 2003
I am now six days post-op, and just had my first post surgery bowel movement today.
   — Amanda S.

May 17, 2003
Don't worry - - I went 8 days after my surgery (lap-rny) and I spoke with someone who went to a consultation last week where they said some people go two weeks after surgery without any movement. You will be fine. Take care and congratulations!
   — Ltinkey

May 17, 2003
I just spoke to a nurse friend and she said it is normal as well. I am on purees but a 2 T meal does not take up a lot of room. Yes, to answer one of you there are grumblies and the docs checked for that before I left. I took a gas-x, as I was told I could do, and that took away some of the distention. I felt 10 months pregnant! Thank everyone!
   — Sharon B.

May 17, 2003
It took me a WHILE to have my first BM after surgery. Anesthesia can do that to us, as well as not eating very much. I wouldn't get too worried. If it becomes weeks and you haven't, then call your doc. Otherwise, try taking milk of magnesia or citracel or something along those lines, that should do the trick. And it's pretty normal after WLS to only go to the bathroom once every 2 or 3 days. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 17, 2003
My first BM was 6 days postop and I felt like I would literally explode..You can take MOM and simethicone and maybe try a glycerin suppository....I finally had one on day 6 and whoa, what a releif!!!!!!! Kristi
   — Kristi A.

May 17, 2003
I went home post op after 4 days. I was home not even 24 hours and was back in the hospital. When I first got home I ate a little cottage cheese, drank water and a shake. I was in terrible pain the next AM. I called the Dr. and was told to try some Milk of Magnesia, and if that didn't help I was to call back. At that point we did not make the connection that I had not yet gone to the bathroom. I took the stuff and began vomiting. The Dr. said to come in or risk dehydration. Anyway, the long and the short of it was that I was a victim of too much pain medication, and had not gone to the bathroom for almost 5 days. If you are usually regular, and your pattern is very different, call the Dr.. There was no way I could have dealt with my situation at home, and was back in the hospital on IV's for 4 more days, having enemas and taking laxatives. Don't hesitate to contact your Dr..
   — Fixnmyself

May 17, 2003
It was 12 days before I had my first pre-op bm! Drink as much water as you can tolerate. It helps. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

May 18, 2003
I would suggest a glycerin suppository - - it was easy and worked very fast. Quick relief! best of luck!
   — teresa M.

May 18, 2003
Sharon, Don't worry about it. I also had surgery on Wed, and had my first BM today which was a little diarrhea. If you are passing gas, then your bowels are working just fine. You have to remember that it takes the bowels a few days after surgery to wake up. Also you are eating very little. If you don't have one in a few days try some Milk of Magnisia.
   — Robin T.

May 19, 2003
Don't worry about it. It took me a whole week to have one and now I am having them every other day. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks post op.
   — Dawn P.

May 19, 2003
`Glycerin suppositories will do the trick, with very little cramping. I am 4 weeks post-op and I have had to use them a couple of times. Dr. recommended.
   — Gabby C.

May 19, 2003
NOT TO WORRY---I didn't have a BM until about 1 week post-op. Then had "the runs" for about 2 weeks. You're constipated from anesthesia, pain meds, no solid food intake, and the manipulation of the digestive system from the surgery itself. Just eat and drink what your surgeon instructs; your body will soon return to normal. As an RN, I DON'T recommend MOM or a suppository 3 days after surgery--MUCH too soon. Hope this helps!
   — Joyce C.

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