If I can get my insurance to pay for a breast lift, how much would implants cost?

I'm getting a TT on may 30th. My breasts are completely a sagging nightmare. I need a breast lift. I'm working on getting my insurance company to pay for this procedure. Has anybody had their lift paid by their insurance and paid for the implants themselves at the same time? If so how much were they? It would be nice to combine the hospital stay with the lift. Thanks, Beth    — Elizabeth C. (posted on May 10, 2003)

May 10, 2003
I had my lift approved by insurance. My doctor said "she doesn't want them any bigger or smaller, just back where they belong to eliminate the heaviness and upper back pain". I choose implants to keep them from sagging again, since it's just skin now and "perky" and they are! $1050 for both for implants. Best of luck!
   — ZZ S.

May 10, 2003
Beth- I looked at this question and thought I asked it! lol I'm looking into the exact same thing! I fear that with a lift alone, b/c of my horrible sag to my knees- I would be left with a A or B cup when I am now a DD (pre-op was an H)! SO, I'll be looking for some answers, too! Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 11, 2003
I too am looking for answers to the same question. I'm being told that insurances don;t cover a breast lift unless you are having a breast reduction at the same time and the insurance looks for you to meet a certain amt of breast tissue to be removed before they will pay for it. If anyone has had a breast lift without a reduction and insurance did pay. please let us know. thanks..
   — Karen T.

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