Help!!! I don't DUMP and I am scared!!!!!

Is there anyone out there that doesn't dump and what do you do to control your sweet tooth. I am 5 weeks post op, had lap RNY on 3/31/03 and I can eat small amounts of sweets (ie. ice cream and cakes) I have never dumped, however I do get headaches that last about 20 minutes. Please any suggestions????    — Tarah S. (posted on May 8, 2003)

May 8, 2003
I don't think I am a dumper either. However, I have not 'pushed the envelope'. When I feel I want a bit of dessert, I will have a bite or two of my husband's. It is usually all it takes to 'satisfy'. I discovered I did not dump two months post op when I had a half of a homemade oatmeal cookie. This was at my sister's house. I keep NOTHING like that around my house. I bet if you pushed it, you'd find some adverse affect. I wouldn't advise pushing it. (Open RNY 10/30/02 down 142 lbs)
   — Ginger M.

May 8, 2003
Ok I am not harping on you but what are you doing trying ice cream and cakes at 5 weeks post-op. I thought that I didn't dump and I was eating Edy's whole fruit pops with 20grams of sugar and 80cals at about 5weeks out, well the last time I tried them I got the shakes,fast heart beat,etc-gave them up-That was the only thing I tried with real sugar. I have found out that the farther along since my surgery certain foods make me ill. I guess it is just a matter of having willpower-my mom had a b-day yesterday and we had three cakes in the house, I didn't go after a bit-I wanted to but my surgery and the reasons that I had it done are more important than sabotaging my weight loss, instead I ate a strawberry from the strawberry shortcake,and had a protein shake, and went on my merry little way. You just have to be more disciplined and I know it's hard but you didn't go through all this to start ruining your weight loss, once you see those pounds coming off that should deter you from wanting to eat things that will halt your weight loss and take the headaches that last for 20 minutes as a sign to stay away from that crap-maybe that is how your body is dumping-saying no don't give me sugar-best of luck to you...Tori open RNY 8weeks post-op-down 45lbs
   — TotallyTori

May 8, 2003
I'm the same way, unfortunately. :( But, I have found that the more protein I eat, the less I crave sugar. I don't have much of it in the house, but I do have a few sweet things here for the kids. Today, my son wanted a candy at the store, and he checked sugar grams! LOL! It's rubbing off. Anyway... increase your protein intake. Don't have it around the house. Tell yourself it makes you sick, even if it doesn't. You'll get through this! Remember.. protein first. More and more and more protein, is what you need. :)
   — Diana L.

May 8, 2003
I am 5 weeks out and do not dump, or at least I don't think I do. I have not had anything with sugar. I might suggest not eating the cakes and ice cream. Not to nag but why go through all this if you still eat the same old things. I think the idea of more protein is worth trying. Also I find drinking kool-aid helps when I want something fruity and sweet. Hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck.
   — julie F.

May 9, 2003
I'm 5 months post op and I don't know whether or not I dump. I haven't tried any sweets. I'd rather assume I do dump and act accordingly. The others are right, you did this to change your lifestyle for the better. Testing whether you dump and eating sweets won't help you in the long run. I find my protein shakes cure my sweet tooth and the protein curbs the desire to munch. There are sugar free candies and cookies, but they have sugar alcohols in them and can give you diarrhea and gas. Best of luck to you!
   — Michele C.

May 9, 2003
I don't dump. I don't even remember the first thing that contained sugar in it. But, once I discovered I could eat sugar I don't think I overindulged but, I would try something if I had a taste for it. I've had maybe 3 doughnuts, 1/2 slice vanilla bean cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory, and several cookies. I can eat ice cream on occasion (gives me gas though). I was going out to eat at lunch @ Subway (eat 1/2 6" sandwich and eat the other 1/2 later), same w/ McDonalds filet of fish or cheeseburgers, & Taco Bell. I was snacking on dry cereal (Wheat Chex) in the mornings, dorito's and Wow- chips. My weight loss had gotten very slow. I thought I was doing ok since I could only eat small amounts. But, this week I have put an end to my carb fest. I'm 5 months post op. and need to get on track w/ doing my protein. I went to GNC bought some Atkins bars & candy. I eat a bar for breakfast, cold cuts & cheese for lunch have Atkins canday if I get a sweet tooth and have some type of protein for dinner. I'm hoping to get in the swing of exercising now that schools out. I work full time and have 3 boys at home. But, I could do my exercise tapes. I have a trip to the beach planned and would like to loose 10 lbs. by mid-June. It was very easy to get back into old habits and I felt the need to take control. Surgery was my last option I was lucky enough to have made it through w/o complications and I wish I did dump.
   — Crystal S.

May 9, 2003
Im like you I dont dump...well I do when I push it. I am over 6 months postie and was lie you very upset about the not dumping, posting questions. I know that most will not approve of my method but it worked for me. I was so worried bout dumping I set out one day to make myself dump. thnking that if the chocolate I loved so much make me horribly ill I would not have such desire for it. I ate almost a whole 3 Musketeers bar. Within minutes I was sick as a dog. Pain, nausea, name it I felt it an it was awful and I never will forget it and now I rearily even have a taste for it. It seems that when I do have a taste for it and take a couple bites, the flavor reminds me of the discomfort an it just doesnt taste so good anymore. Sounds stupid but it worked. And sometimes you have to fight back your addictions with all you got.. Good Luck to you...
   — cherokey55

May 9, 2003
The headaches are probably dumping, for you, and certainly, they're giving you some of the "aversion therapy" people hope for with dumping. I don't dump, but didn't learn that until I was seven months out or so (up to that point, what few sweets I had were too limited to really know). Problems with sweets are very common after WLS. There's only one way to deal with them: don't eat them. Some simply teach themselves to limit any sugars so the intake is no more than x grams per day (or per serving), because they're aware they'll crave sugar all day long once they let start down that road. Others seek out sugar-free substitutes, but be forewarned: those can spark a relentless urge for sugar *anyway*, and some people even dump on some of the sugar-free substitutes. Still others retrain themselves to reach for protein for snacks, or they keep sugars out of the house and out of reach (nibbling on special occasions only). You'll have to figure out a good strategy for you, because if you're eating sugar despite getting headaches from it, at just five weeks out, you are right to want a good handle on this problem *now*. You have lots of company. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

May 9, 2003
30 percent or so of RNY'ers do not dump at all, and others have varying degrees of dumping when eating sugars or high fat foods. At 5 weeks post-op, which is a real new post-op, you really shouldn't be testing the waters this early. I started testing at about 4 months post-op and was able to eat small amounts of sugar (purposely keeping it under 10 grams) but when I had a liquid sugar, which enters your system faster than food, I had a severe dumping episode. I never tried another white chocolate mocha coffee from Starbucks again, and that was almost 11 months ago! You may indeed dump on sugars if you had them in a liquid form or ate more grams than you are eating now, but why even test it this early? Why not wait a while before doing so? After all, if sugar got you in trouble in the first place, don't tempt the sweet tooth this early. At 15 months post-op, I still try to limit the sugars to under 15 grams per serving.
   — Cindy R.

May 9, 2003
Hello friend....I too do not dump and am absolutely struggling with old habits. I had surgery in sept 2002 and have lost 57 pounds. I started out at 267. Anyway, I have slowed down drastically in weight loss and have plateued for about two months. My advice..... don't eat it. I am trying and now keep a log of every morsel I put in my mouth. I make sure its protein too. I am so envious of the people who can't tolerate a thing, I on the otherhand can basically eat anything. I put the first hershey kiss in my mouth two months out of surgery and regret it ever since. But hey, here is to getting back on track! Good luck!
   — audrey P.

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