Does anyone know why urine would be red?

Freaking out here just went to the bathroom and my urine is red in color. No changes in diet. should I call the doctor or will it go away.    — chirsw (posted on May 8, 2003)

May 8, 2003
Ick!! It could be blood...I would call the doctor right away if I were you. Better safe than sorry! Good luck!
   — Teresa W.

May 8, 2003
you should call your doctor right away. urine should not be red. red usually indicates blood in the urine which may only be an infection. but it needs to be taken care of. i wouldn't worry about it tho, but call your dr.
   — Julie B.

May 8, 2003
Did you eat beets? My urine turns red when I eat fresh beets. Yum! But it sure scared the pee out of me when I saw that red color the first time. (LOL!)
   — artistmama

May 8, 2003
No question, call the doctor.
   — Amber L.

May 8, 2003
The only time that has happened to me, I had kidney stones. It hurt like crazy! I was in the hospital for 3 days! CALL THE DOCTOR!
   — Diana L.

May 9, 2003
are you taking phenazopyridine? It's a red pill that helps stop burning from UTI's? This is notorious for causing red (or orange) urine. If not, then definitely let your doc know!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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