I'm almost 6 mos post op and having dizzy spells

This usually occurrs when I stand up. I've also been getting pounding headaches. Nothing is new in my routene, exept I added more protein shakes - from 35g in suppliments to 67 (sometimes 92g) of protein a day. I've got a doctor's appointment May 13 but should I try to move it up? Anyone know what might be causing this? Thanks, Jen, RNY 11/12    — Mrs. Rich (posted on May 4, 2003)

May 4, 2003
Check your blood pressure. It might be too low, from the weight loss. Are you on any BP meds? They might need adjusted or dropped. Are you drinking enough liquids? This can be caused by dehydration. I woiuld move up the doc appointment. Stand up SLOW, and watch bending over.
   — bob-haller

May 4, 2003
Just a suggestion, but have your blood pressure checked. I had dizz spells for a while and my blood pressure was really, really low. You can also have dizzy spells from high blood pressure - and headaches from both. Are you getting plenty of fluids? Dehydration will also cause those symptoms.
   — Patty_Butler

May 4, 2003
I have this happen still, it started at about six months out and I'm almost 11 months now. Ditto on the low blood pressure and the deyhdration. You should also have your electrolytes checked because low potassium could be a culprit, or even anemia. I've also experienced fainting for these reasons. Make sure to get up slowly, especially first thing in the morning. Also, if you're like me, you could start getting dizzy in the shower, so turn the temperature down (the hot water can cause a drop in your blood pressure). After extensive cardiac and neurological tests, they said to drink lots of fluids, get up slowly, and lay down if I feel faint. Really scientific, huh? In extreme cases there are medications that can help. Losing weight as rapidly as we do can be very hard on your body until you've completely adjusted. Good luck.
   — cjabates

May 4, 2003
I also got this around 5-6 mo. post op. I asked the doctor and he said it was probably a fluid inbalance. I told him I take in my 64 oz., but have trouble spacing it out throughout the day; I get most of my fluids at night. He said to drink much earlier in the day and see if that took care of it. I no longer have this problem. Check your BP, space out your water, and it should go away. Good luck.
   — Jen D.

May 5, 2003
have your dr check your blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
   — Deanna Wise

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