how do you explain this???

O.K., I need to rant for a minute, so please bare with me. I am getting very discouraged. First, my husband, who did NOT have WLS and only needed to lose about 50 lbs., is losing faster than I am! He has just cut back on his eating and he eats a little healthier. Mind you, he still sits down with a plate full of food. We both are working out. I sit there with my little 3 oz. of food and he loses more EVERY week than I do!! Then, I watch Dateline last night about the different people trying to lose weight for their reunion and low and behold, one of the guys, who was doing Atkins, is dropping weight like crazy. I think he lost 50 lbs. in 3 months and I've only lost 55. . .BUT HAD SURGERY!!! What is up with that??? My friend at work, another lightweight, who is also doing an Atkins diet, consistently loses about 5 lbs. a week. At 3 months out, I'm doing good to lose 3 lbs. in a week!! Let me just say this, I am exercising religously, I get in a minimum of 60 grams of protein and 64 oz. or more of water. I eat very little carbs. . .no white carbs at all. My calorie intake is between 600 and 800, usually leaning more towards the 600. Sorry folks, but I am very discouraged right now. I guess I expected to lose at least 5 lbs. a week for at least the first 5 to 6 months. I am 48 and diabetic, so I know I'm supposed to lose a little slower, but gee whiz, it seems as though everyone who hasn't even had the surgery is doing better than I am!!!    — Kathy S. (posted on April 23, 2003)

April 22, 2003
I did the Atkins diet and lost 125lbs about 2 years ago. Guess what, when I started eating bread, pasta and sugar again I gained it all back plus some. Men lose weight faster than women so just keep working at it and don't get discouraged.
   — gunter73

April 22, 2003
I have a very strong feeling that you are NOT EATING ENOUGH! Your body is in a starvation mode if you are only taking in 600 calories a day!Eat more and you will have success!

April 22, 2003
Hi there! It might also be very possible that you're not eating ENOUGH calories, and your body is kicking into starvation mode. You should have between 1000 and 1200 a day, unless your doc tells you otherwise. BTW, if it's any consolation, I'm also a lightweight, 11 weeks out, and as of today, down 47.5 pounds. I'd like to be losing more, faster, but as long as the scale keeps heading in the right direction, I'm not complaining...
   — johanniter

April 23, 2003
I too watched the show last night. I KNEW the Atkins dieter would do the best! I also knew the woman who did the over exercise would lose the least too. How come? I've been there. I also was pretty sure the Slim Fast guy would'nt do to well ether (to much sugar and carbs in it). What did surprise me was the person who was hypotised "supposly" did so well. That never helped me at all. I did Atkins for awhile but could'nt stand going without bread and pototoes. The Carbohydrates Addict Diet is so much easier and better balanced in my opinion. I'm two years out and still 30+ pounds from goal. Perhaps I'm going back to CAD again. It was easy and pretty much painless. lol But does'nt it make you mad to go through WLS and someone who has'nt can beat us with all we had to go through? Rrrrrr.
   — Danmark

April 23, 2003
I know this is a revolutionary suggestion but try adding a little fat to your diet and, as others have said, a few more calories. If you are drinking milk stop that for a week. Add a handful of almonds or walnuts--they're good protein and a source of healthy fat. Conversely, eat an Atkins food plan. It isn't very different from my doc's protocol.<p>If you still feel your body isn't cooperating do a web search for at the "Wendie Plan" online. This woman maintains that she has to fool her body into letting go of fat. She varies the amount she eats day-to-day some days she eats 1400 calories and others only 6 or 7 hundred. She says it keeps her metabolism from deciding she is either being starved or entitled to too many calories. There is a perverse logic in it and the times I have wanted to kick start my weight loss it has seemed to work. I don't know if it has any scientific validity.
   — phoebe

April 23, 2003
Kathy, Do you remember what the woman who was exercising needed to do to kick her weight loss into gear?-Eat! She wasn't getting enough calories(fuel)and hence her body was in starvation mode hanging onto everything. Once she started eating more her weight loss started! Does your surgeon have a nutritionist you could speak to? Maybe it's time to kick stuff up and your body's going to burn more. I'm not a nutritionist or Dr. so I would speak with them before doing it.Hopefully they'll have some suggestions/modifications for you. I don't know where you are in your plan soit's best to go back to the source. Best wishes and continues success.
   — Linda M.

April 23, 2003
Morbidly Obese people are DIFFERENT than normal-weight people. We don't lose weight like they do, thats why we had surgery. Surgery does not necessarily make us the 'best' or 'fastest' losers, it just makes us losers. With your dedication, you will make it to your goal, and while they are bouncing up and down, your dedication will allow you to maintain. Thanks for listening.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 23, 2003
Men always lose weight faster. I was irked when a male friend of mine gave up one thing - french fries - and lost 20 lbs in about 6 weeks! (And he still ate fast food, just not the fries! Not fair!) The other thing is that you may be building muscle, which is denser than fat. I said this yesterday - the scale is not the only indicator of how successful WLS is for you. Are you wearing smaller clothes? Do you feel better overall than before you had surgery? Do you feel like you are being deprived of any particular food? At 3 months out, I also agree with the other posters - not enough calories. It's not a race to see who can lose the most or lose the fastest. The goal is to be healthy - and you will get there!
   — koogy

April 23, 2003
You're definitely NOT eating enough. Your body is hanging on to every ounce because it thinks you're starving. Remember also that you've been given a tool to keep your weight off - it will be interesting to see where your husband and the folks on TV are in a year. Sounds like you just needed to blow off a little steam - hang in there - if I can make it anyone can! You'll get there!
   — ronascott

April 23, 2003
Ditto to what the others are saying about upping your calories-you should strive to get closer to the 800 and not the 600. By 1 year post op you should be up to 1200 or so calories a day. Men do lose faster than women-FACT, so don't measure your loss against a mans. And keep this in mind, all those who are losing by doing Atkins, and other types of diets, check back with them in 6 months to a year and see how many of them have gained it back plus some. We might be losing slow but steady but at least we have a better chance of not gaining it back with our tool! Also, change your expectations-you set yourself up for failure when you "expect" to lose 5 or 6 pounds a week. I'm a lightweight and had months where I lost just 6 or so the entire month yet still am within 7 pounds of goal. Your body will lose at its own pace. Your doing fine in your eating and exercise-just up those calories.
   — Cindy R.

April 23, 2003
My sister had WLS 2 years ago - another sister and I went on Atkins at the same time. Guess what, during that first year, I lost 40 lbs and regained almost 60 lbs. My sister, who was on Atkins, lost nearly 50 LBS, kept if off for a few months and regained it back, plus a few extra lbs. The sister who had WLS, lost over 200 LBS, kept it off and is healthier then she has been in years!! I had my OPEN RNY done on 3/20/ more yo-yoing for me! Keep up the good work - you may lose a bit slower, but your chances of keeping off the weight is far greater than any diet out there!
   — teresa M.

April 23, 2003
i understand your frustration. my husband is 6'8 and doesn't have a weight problem and can eat anything and everything he wants. remember this isn't a race. i know it will be hard but only focus on yourself...not on anyone else. btw...i did atkins too and lost 70 pounds in 6 months...but gained back 110 in 12 months.
   — franbvan

April 23, 2003
Only 600 to 800 calories? You have to have calories to burn them! I didn't see how far out you are, but you definitely could use more calories. I don't count calories, but at 7 months post-op, I know I get <i>at least</i> 1200 a day. You should look into this....Best of luck!!........Karen (lap rny-9/20/02- down 127 pounds)
   — karmiausnic

April 24, 2003
May be hard to swallow (no pun intended), but you really need to eat MORE crud calories but good calories. Good luck and I feel your pain (my hubby can eat anything and never gain a pound!).
   — [Deactivated Member]

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