Breast Augmentation and Lift done over TWO different operations?

I am in the planning stages of my breast lift, augmentation, and getting my arms done. MY PS will also be correcting my upper abdomen skin which "slid down" and was not totally corrected during my TT and body lift in January. MY PS has indicated that my skin is unusually lax, as well that I have practically no breast tissue left and will ennd up being 65% fake when all is done. But here's my problem: He wants to do the augmentation first, then wait 2-3 months to see how they settle before doing the mastopexy (along with arms and upper abs). My feeling is that I might as well have everything done at once and then if it needs to be corrected I'll have a second operation. But why should I START OUT having two procedures? Has anyone had both done at once with success? Anyone have it done seperately because their doctor also thought that was the best way? I am so perplexed? I just want it done now! I don;t want to have to run into extra costs and extra lost time. Please help! Thanks!    — PaulaM (posted on April 22, 2003)

April 22, 2003
I don't quite understand why he wants to put you through so much unecessary pain.. I'm currently 2 weeks post from my tummy tuck and my mastopexy with implants.. everything seems to be healing fantastic and my ps says i'm ahead of schedule because I wear my binder 24/7 except to wash it.. good luck in your decision
   — Carrie B.

April 22, 2003
Paula, why don't you get a 2nd, maybe 3rd opinion? As much as we all can say "my doc does it in one procedure" it sounds like your doc is concerned about a situation that is special to you with your skin being so lax. Especially if he did your first procedure where your upper abdomen slid down (never heard of that one) he may have very valid concerns and be looking out for your best interests long term. If you do decide to get more opinions make sure you take along before & after pics of yourself and be prepared to discuss the problems following the last procedure that way they have as much info as possible to base their advise on.
   — Shelly S.

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