I am 5 weeks post op...

I had my period while I was in the hospital. That was my regular time. I have not had one since is this normal? I have no signs of it coming either. I know I am not pregnant since DH has been snip snip for 9 yrs.. Thanks..    — Catherine B (posted on April 20, 2003)

April 20, 2003
I would check with your doctor, but for me my monthly friend has gotten ALOT better, shorter and not as heavy..I am only 8 weeks post0op and down 70 pounds...
   — Karen Wyatt

April 20, 2003
I am about 6 weeks post op. I got my period the day I got home from the hospital and I have not had one since! Who Cares! I am enjoying it!
   — Jenny B.

April 20, 2003
The surgical procedure can be considered a major stressor for all of the body systems. Stress can cause an interruption in the menstrual cycle. Best to check with your doc/gyn, though. Diane
   — Diane M.

April 20, 2003
My period took a little longer to get after I got home (I had one in the hospital too)...kinda scary even though I was the one snipped...but it did finally come.
   — Kimberley E.

April 20, 2003
I had mine the week after surgery and then not again for 3 months!
   — Carol S.

April 20, 2003
Mine disappeared for 2 months, it wasn't missed.
   — Kimmie C.

April 21, 2003
I am four and a half week post op, and just got my first period yesterday. I, too, had it briefly in the hospital, but this is the first one since then.
   — vittycat

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