Do I need to up carbs if exercising vigorously?

I have begun working out vigorously, 50-60 mins of high intensity aerobics 5-6 times a week and weights 3 times a week. While I am able to do the workouts, by the middle of the afternoon I have no energy. I am eating very little carbs due to many suggestions here. Do I need to up my carb intake to help here. Any suggestions for getting my energy back will be great. open RNY 1-15-03    — Brenda G. (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 7, 2003
Brenda- yes you definately need to eat more carbs b/c you are really exercising alot, and you need soome fuel to burn. Don't be scared to eat carbs. Ofcourse, we always should follow our protein first rule, I believe that when you're working out intensely, your body needs carbs for energy. Otherwise you feel weak and no energy and blood sugars can get funny. That's why runners and many sports players have pasta parties or a big carb meal the night before a big race or game. I eat carbs and I work out 4-5 times a week and am 5lbs away from goal. Some swear by only eating whole grains and wheat, I eat both. Works for me. Goodluck to you and good for you for all that exercise! :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

April 7, 2003
First, congrats for being so disciplined in your exercise program-wow, that is admirable! Yes, you do need to up the carbs if exercising so vigorously. I might also add that you should keep an eye on your labs for your iron/B-12/thyroid to ensure that this lack of energy is not just due to the workouts. Your a fairly new post-op so you may want to keep an eye on the labs.
   — Cindy R.

April 7, 2003
You might just want to consider the kind of carbs you choose. You need them when you are working out really hard, but white carbs are still pretty useless fuel. Try brown rice and sweet potatoes. Oatmeal is a good one too. I just try to stay away from any white flour stuff and white rice and potatoes. They have no nutrients anyway. I agree that you are a very devoted person and you deserve congratulations!!!! :)
   — Carol S.

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