I have been told that the they will probably not put me out and do surgery unless my

bloood pressure is under control. I have been working with my regular physician but feel like I am getting the run around. I have one week until surgery - is it possible to get it down - it has been running between 90 and 114. I am really READY for the surgery and don't want it put off one day.    — Deb F. (posted on April 3, 2003)

April 3, 2003
Normal blood pressure is 124/80...I don't know what you mean that yours is between 90 and 114. If you that's the bottom number then it is high but the 90 sould be o.k. Are you on medication?
   — Sarahlicious

April 3, 2003
I was told in the past by my doc - (not for this surgery - but another) that if my pressure wasn't low enough to do the following for a week. Low fat diet of course, low or zero salt, drink lots of water, and try to stay as calm as possible. Yes I was on medication for the high BP - but this regimine did the trick - brought it down from 170/117 to 140/90. Surgery went off without a hitch! I've definately check with your primary before you try this, especially if you are already on medication for you BP. Good luck!
   — Tina S.

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