Gallstone Symptoms

Hey everyone. I have a question for thoose of you who have had gallstones or removal of the gallbladder after surgery. I have been having pain in my middle back right below the shoulder blade area, as well as right below the breast area. I thought it maybe gallstones, I call my surgeon and the nurse told me usually the pain is only in one area, she didn't say back or front, she is suppose to get back to me after she talks to the dr. I am sure I read in the library and MB that some people have these very symptoms? Is that so? If I don't hear from her tomorrow I will call again and may just go see my PCP. The pain while not unbearable has been consistant all day, what do you think? Thanks in advance for all your helpful advise.    — Shanchel (posted on April 1, 2003)

April 1, 2003
Shannon, pain from gallstones is in the front AND the back. It usually starts in the area under the sternum and will radiate around the right side of the body to the back. Have your doctor order and upper abdominal ultrasound and it will tell you definatively if you have stones or not. If you have to have it removed, don't worry. Very minor surgery. It's done lap and usually it's day surgery. Good luck.
   — KelBurt

April 1, 2003
The symptoms can vary from person to person. Please don't assume anything. Make sure your doctor does a sonogram AND a scope. I had one week of pain, right below my sternum. It hurt to even drink water. After a high fat, spicy meal, I was in the worst pain imaginable (it felt like someone had a vice on my rib cage). The pain finally subsided and I felt fine. I assumed it was gallbladder, but my gastro doctor insisted on both a sonogram and a scope. Turns out my gallbladder is fine - not a single stone. The scope showed I have a HUGE ulcer. The pain was brought on most likely by taking Advil for a week (for a pulled back). The Advil did not cause the ulcer, just aggrevated it. In hindsight, I have had a backache since Nov that may be a symptom of the ucler. No one knows. I still have it, even though I've been taking Nexium for 2 weeks. It might be a calcium deficiency also (getting a bone scan next week). Whatever you do - DON'T WAIT!! My ex-husband just had nightmare gall bladder surgery. He had a pain on his LEFT side since Sept...his gastro doctor never ordered a sonogram because his symptoms "weren't consistant with gall bladder". He saw 5 different doctors...had scores of one could find out what was wrong. After several trips to the ER, they finally discovered it was his gallbladder, had a three hour scope to try to clean out the bile duct and two days later, after trying LAP, had a 5 hour open surgery to remove the gall bladder. The gallbladder was infected and the bile duct was completely blocked with a stone, forcing the bile to remain in his liver. I saw him 4 days after surgery, and he was still jaundiced. Lessons learned: gall bladder symptoms vary - and don't assume anything.
   — Cyndie K.

April 1, 2003
do you have children? i don't but when i had a gallbladdar attack the nurse in the hospital likend it pain-wise to being in labor. i just know it hurt like a b---h, and i threw up a would start in my back and radiate around to the front, and up into my chest.
   — mellyhudel

April 1, 2003
Hi, the other posters are right don't hold off getting it checked out. I have light nausea with everything I eat or drink, even water. I also have spasms under my right breast, and a burning sensation that goes from my stomach around to my side. Nothing in my back though. I had an ultra sound, yes I have gallstones. I'm currently waiting to hear back from the surgeon to see if we can get the gallbladder done at the same time as my RNY. Don't put it off, go get yourself checked, better safe than sorry.
   — Tina S.

April 4, 2003
Speak to your WLS about the possibility of an internal hernia. I had pain similar to gallbladder and in fact upon an ultrasound it was discovered I had stones. I had my gallbladder out, but the pain returned....with a vengeance!!!! Now I have been told (by my WLS) that I have an internal hernia and I am scheduled to have this surgically fixed in 2 weeks. Internal hernias are VERY hard to diagnose, but your WLS should know more about these then any other doctor. (I had been to the ER twice and they "couldn't find anything wrong") Speak to your WLS as he is the EXPERT on the possible complications you could have. By the way I am 2 years post-op.
   — S M.

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