Has anyone else found themselves quick to anger or feeling frustrated newly out?

I am three weeks post op tomorrow and find myself so full of emotion. I am easily annoyed and quick to anger. I hope it is just because I am dealing with part of my incision having to be reopened to drain. The pain and hassle has left me unhappy. Has anyone else found themselves a little emotionally raw after the surgery? Any recommendations for handling the emotional ups and downs. This is not like me. I did the surgery March 7 for my life to be better and this does not feel good at all. -Ann in TX, [email protected]    — Ann B. (posted on March 27, 2003)

March 27, 2003
hello ann, I too had many of the emotions that you discussed and having spent much time on this board I have to say that it is quite normal. I found myself angry alot, questioning my own decision regarding having the surgery and being very emotional. there are lots of reasons for this; your body is going through a tremendous change; also there is a direct corrolation between hormones and fat cells (which you are loosing.) For me, my old coping mechanism of eating whenever I was upset was no longer available to me. Anger and frustration were new emotions. What i discovered is that I was previously 'eating' all my emotions. The good news does get better; especially once the weight starts dropping off. I have chosen to see a therapist to develope new skills for all the things that I can no longer eat away. I am eight months post op; physically feeling great; but learning alternate ways to deal with my feelings. I do not regret in any way having had this proceedure. Hope this helps. best of luck to you.
   — Monika W.

March 27, 2003
Yes, I have found that I get emotional and easily frustrated with other people since my surgery in Dec. 2002. Your body is going through a lot of changes and all the hormone levels are changing. I have noticed though since the past week, that my hormone levels are settling down and that I am happier and it seems that a lot of the stuff that urked me previously have become less and less. Just, understand that your levels will slowly change and then settle at a normal rate. so relax and just wait, you will become happier :o) Hope your doing well, take care. (-75/3months)
   — Suzanne B.

March 27, 2003
I am having the same experiences. My Dr. explained to me that testosterone (among other hormones) is stored in fat cells. While we're losing this fat, the testosterone is being released into our systems...resulting in short tempers and other related symptoms. According to him, there isn't a "cure" other than time. But its been helpful for me and my husband to at least understand why I've turned into such a monster!
   — Amy W.

March 27, 2003
You are SO completely normal. I remember eating with my family as a new post op and once I would finish I would get angrier and angrier the longer it took them to finish. I would almost want to scream "WOULD YOU HURRY UP WITH THE *@%#&$ FOOD ALREADY!!!!" It wasn't that I coveted their food or anything I just wanted things in my own time. This passed after a few weeks but boy was it agravating. It's definitely a hormonal thing too. Hang in there and you'll get through it and settle back down to normal life. Best wishes.
   — ronascott

March 27, 2003
Anne, It's nice to know we're normal ! I am such a moody beast!, Hang in there, all the other posts say that it's normal. Hopefully it will pass soon. Hugs ! Post op 10 months down 127 pounds
   — tannedtigress

March 28, 2003
I went through a SERIOUS depression right after surgery, I would sit and bed and cry (and I don't know why) I do believe my hormones were going crazy :)
   — WABBIT F.

March 28, 2003
I went through this - the dr. attributed to raging estrogen being released from the fat cells. I would very suddenly find myself in almost uncontrollable rages over the littlest things, but it would go away just as quickly. I cried all the time too, for no real reason. I went on paxil for a couple months until things levelled out some.
   — Melissa F.

March 28, 2003
You are completely normal. In addition to what the other posters wrote, I remember at 3 weeks I was still tired from recovery and from not being able to sleep well yet at night. Also, I was so sick of eating mush. Once I was able to eat more of a variety, I was much happier. I also found that when I went for my walks, it would help me deal with stress. If you aren't allowed to exercise yet, crochet or read or do something else enjoyable to you. Pain medications made me weird too and you still might be on them (don't know when you had to be partially reopened). I hope you are doing better now and good luck to you.
   — Yolanda J.

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