Anybody else experience a Burning Stinging Pain?

I am 3 weeks post-op (OPEN RNY) & get a burning, pulling pain just to the left (looking down) of my belly button when I get up & down or move a certain way. Is this a "normal" pain, or should I be more concerned?    — jarrett318 (posted on March 24, 2003)

March 24, 2003
This is normal, so don't fret. It will last for about a week or so. I was popping Percusets like they were candy during that time. I didn't even need pain meds before then! I had a tube in for 6 weeks and it literally felt like the tube was being tugged on from the inside. I was told that it was the old stomach contracting because its starving. I don't know how true that is...Good luck to you and congratulations on your surgery!!.......Karen (lap rny- 6 months post-op and down 119 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

March 24, 2003
Hi Mary- from what I hear this is pretty normal. I had the same feeling after my LAP RNY 10 months ago. I believe a stomach muscle that was cut is in that area, so that pain can take longer to go away than the general pain/soreness all over. It will remain sore for a while. It does eventually go away, however- so you shouldn't worry. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

March 24, 2003
Mary, I had the same pain at 2 weeks post op. It hurt everytime I took a deep breath. It went away after a few days. Hang in there.
   — Sandy P.

March 24, 2003
Hi Mary! This must be normal, because after 2 and a half months I still occasionally get a pain in the left side near the belly button area. This usually happens now after exercising (doing cruches, sit ups, etc.). However, at two weeks postop I had the same pain you are describing. Hang in there, those muscles are trying to work for you and it will be a little painful. It will all get better in the long run. Good luck to you on your journey - Daphine (open RNY 01/13/03; down 4 dress sizes).
   — Daphine C.

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