Has anyone had there blood thinned out during wls surgery or put on blood thinners to

prevent blood clots before leaving the hospital and if so how did that go my doctor is planning on thinning my blood before I leave to prevent due to the fact that they are heriditary ( I dont know if that is spelled right sorry ) Thank you for all your help and support    — Kimberly M. (posted on March 22, 2003)

March 21, 2003
My surgeon gives thinners to everyone, has us wear massage legs while in the hospital, they felt nice. Everyne should get up and get moving to minimize blood clot risks. In your case this is even more important. Walk EVERY day, in your neighborhood. Each day a bit longer. No long car trips for each hour driving stop and spend 10 minutes out of the car walking. All this walking will help you heal faster and feel better sooner.BTW the shots dont hurt.
   — bob-haller

March 21, 2003
I had blood thinner shots every day when I was in the hospital. I had to learn how to give them to myself. Some people have to still take them when they get home. I was lucky & didn't have to.
   — Paula G.

March 21, 2003
I was on subcutaneous heparin shots every 12 hours in the hospital and on one baby aspirin a day for the first three weeks after surgery. I had the alternating compression boots on as well as the anti-embolism stockings (those went on as part of getting ready the morning of surgery.) Things you can do: start walking before surgery. In the recovery room, start moving your legs - tense and relax the large muscles of your thighs, and then your calves. Make circles with your ankles. Do these things while you are in bed. Get up and get moving as soon as you are allowed. Also, ask for a thin blanket, folded up, and hold it against your abdomen then COUGH and DEEP BREATHE. This will help keep the little air sacks in your lungs expanded and clean out any mucous that could set up the scene for pneumonia to develop. You may need to be on special pills after surgery or even shots at home (about like getting an insulin injection) if your doctor thinks it is necessary. They will do a blood test every few days (and probably every morning in the hospital) to make sure your blood does not get too thin. Good luck!
   — koogy

March 22, 2003
I had the compression boots on in the hospital, and once my epidural was out, was given Lovenox shots every 12 hours (you can't take them if you have an epidural). When I left the hospital, they gave me a 7 day prescription for Lovenox shots which I gave myself at home every 12 hours. You inject them into the fat in you tummy....didn't hurt a bit!
   — jarrett318

March 22, 2003
I was given a shot of blood thinner in my stomach about an hour before surgery. I was up walking the evening of my surgery and continued to walk every few hours while I was in the hospital.
   — Wendy M.

March 22, 2003
I was already on Coumadin (a blood thinner) because of a previous blood clot in my lung a few years ago. Then when it was time for WLS, my doctor played it safe and put me in the hospital 3 days before surgery, took me off the Coumadin and put me on Heparin shots instead. Heparin is a shorter acting blood thinner than Coumadin. Then at the time of my surgery, they placed a Greenfield filter (IVC) on my Vena Cava to filter out blood clots from entering my lungs or heart. I continued to have Heparin shots until I was released from the hospital and then told to resume taking my Coumadin when I got home. Even though I had a history of blood clots, all these precautions helped me get thru this surgery without a single clot. <knock wood!> Good luck to you!!<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -83lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

March 23, 2003
I was given a heprin shot before surgery and after surgery while in the hospital i was given two a day, then when i got out of the hospital i was on cumadin for 30 days. I walk around the house some for the first couple weeks and now i am walking 30 min a day. By the way the cumadine was only 1mg a day. I did ok on them, i was worried about what i could take when i got sick though. I would always ask your doctor before you take anything cause with things like afrin nasal spray it has asprin in it and cant take it with it, and nyquil you cant take. Also, you shouldnt drink camomile tea while on it (i found out by my mom and my doctor didnt know about camomile having a natural blood thinning reaction)and i use to drink it every day.
   — rachel W.

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