Would Someone Please Define "Dumping"?

I am 12 days post op and i don't know what dumping is? Can someon please explain it!! Thanks    — Kristin K. (posted on March 17, 2003)

March 17, 2003

   — jkb

March 17, 2003
Kate has an excellent definition of what dumping is. I want to add that dumping is caused by sugar. When people say they have dumped because they ate a piece of meat and it made them sick, they have not understood what dumping really is. Getting sick because you ate too much, didn't chew well enough or ate something that didn't agree with you is not dumping.
   — garw

March 17, 2003
I think it should be remembered that some of us dump on fat/greasy foods. At least I do. An example would be a piece of KFC chicken, which I wouldn't take money to eat now because a small piece makes me dump big time. I call it the 'cold clammy's) because that's what it feels like. Sometimes I'll try something that on the surface seems alright, until I get the cc's and realize it is heavy on fat. A nice little barometer of fat content, but it feels just awful and I always remember to NEVER eat that again. One exception is peanut butter; sometimes I have no problem whatsoever, other times it gets me.
   — scottiemaam O.

March 17, 2003
I dump if I eat sweet foods. For example, if I eat more that 3 oz of icecream I dump. I feel hot and sweaty, no energy, like the energy has been sucked out of me, I feel weak and nauseous. I feel so bad that I swear I will never eat the offender again.
   — Wanda R.

March 17, 2003
When I eat too much sugar or fat and sometimes milk I will get really sick at my stomach, I will get hot and tired, then I want to throw up or I have gas really bad. Like I can not stop burping. When You dump you will know you are dumping. You will not have any doubt in your mind when it happens.
   — spring A.

March 17, 2003
Dumping? simple, for most of us it is when you eat too much sugar, and the symptoms range from upset stomache, to being hot, to extremes, myself, I get extremly hot (like a severe fever) and my stomache wants to tell me "TO GET IT OUT WHATEVER IT IS" and I get dizzy and lightheaded,(I usually take a little nap and then I am ok) so trust me when I say this, " you will do it once and then you will know what it is to be miserable" LOL (ok I did it twice) Good Luck
   — Christopher W.

March 18, 2003
Dumping happens when you eat anything with a high fat or sugar content. You break out into a cold sweat, get very nauseated, throw up, etc. And there is nothing you can do about it when its happening, you just have to tough it out. It happened to me when I was at Disneyworld. I was at Epcot and we were going around to the different countries there. We went to the Chinese restaurant and I had a couple of pieces of my husband's General Chicken. Oh boy big mistake!! After just a few minutes I thought I was going to die! I got shaky, nauseated, and a few minutes later I brought it all back up! Certain types of milk do it to me too. If I drink 1% or lower I'm fine but if I drink 2% or higher Im sick for about an hour or so.
   — Kris T.

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