Help in going back to work after LBL

Hi, I hope those of you who had a LBL can help me. I am going back to work on Monday after being out 3 weeks for a LBL. I am still experiencing alot of pain. Any hints how you handle work. I am an admin. assist. and sit alot. It hurts more to sit. I dread going back as I do not feel physically ready but I MUST. Please respond, I have had little response from this website regarding the LBL matter-maybe because this is such a specialized procedure. In all other matters everyone has been wonderful! I appreciate any and all responses. If you want you can email me at home too: [email protected] Thanks-Donna    — Donna B. (posted on March 7, 2003)

March 6, 2003
What's LBL?
   — JoSyrNY

March 6, 2003
Lower Body Lift.
   — Shelley.

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