what if my ketostix are not showing any sign of change?

For the last few days I have not lost a pound. I'm exactly 2 mo. out and I have lost 42 lbs. I hit a 6 day plateau 3 wks out of surgery and I wonder if this is going to be another one. My ketostix are not even changing color, the bottle is almost finished could it have gone bad or should I just get ready for another stall in my weight loss? I'm going to the gym and doing the weights, but I only walk one mile on the treadmill ( I do it in 16 min though) and I am making sure I take my protein shake(60 grams). I am only getting in about 40 oz. of water because it is taking so long to eat and lately I have found a food that me and my tummy loves, baked Tostitos and salsa. If your ketostix does not turn purple does it mean you are not losing or you are just consuming too many carbs?    — Jennifer T. (posted on March 5, 2003)

March 5, 2003
The ketostix color change means that you are/or are not in ketosis. My guess is that the Tostitos (pure carbs) and the salsa is the problem. The salsa may have some sugar in it and depending on how many Tostitos you are eating, you are probably taking your body out of ketosis.
   — Debbie B.

March 5, 2003
If you like the salsa and chip mix try a change to pork rinds and salsa, the chips are probably the problem but pork rinds I promise just as good will let you stay in ketosis. Good luck. Kim
   — Kim W.

March 5, 2003
Find a way to get the water in each day. Drinking water helps your medabolic (sp?) rate to stay up. That is one reason drinking water is so important.
   — barbara A.

March 6, 2003
Yes, if the sticks don't turn purple, then you are taking in to many carbs. You might want to pick up a carb counting book, or the Atkins book is great.
   — Stacy L.

March 6, 2003
I am 17 months post DS and have only lost 85 pounds. four weeks ago I decided to do Atkins and for 2 weeks on the induction with 20 grams of carb my keto sticks did not turn color. I stopped chewing sugarless gum, gave up sugarfree popsicles, and diet pop and am doing only protein. With no carb intake I only show trace ketones on the sticks and have only lost an additional 5 pounds in two weeks. I exercise 2 hours a day,5 days a week and drink plenty of water about 80 ounces. I am disappointed that I have "hit the wall" with weight loss and that after the Ds I am desperate enough to do Atkins. However, I feel so much better than I did before surgery I am still pleased. I just need to get another 15 pounds off so the Dr will refer me for a TT and apron removal. I have looked at Atkins advice re metabolic resistance and have been taking my temp 4 X's a day my highest Temp is 97.8 but I am usually in the 96.8-97 range. I see my Dr on the 17th and will discuss this with her possibly low thyroid. Adkins says the point is not to turn sticks color but to burn fat, Keep doing all the right things and you will probably find yourself loosing weight. Good luck, Kathy
   — kathleen S.

March 6, 2003
Ketosis is when you are using ketone bodies for fuel. If you consume too many carbs, you'll use those first as they are the preferred form of energy. I would say that you should either cut down on the carbs OR increase your exercise. (The more you exercise, the more carbs you should have). And definitely up the water because being in ketosis is pretty hard on your kidneys. Also: just because the ketostix aren't changing doesn't mean you aren't losing. I lost pretty much all my weight without hardly ever being in ketosis. (I didn't have WLS, I just started to exercise more often) Good luck to you!
   — Brittany C.

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