My period is VERY heavy. Is this normal?

I am post-op 14 weeks and down 61 pounds. I had one very light period right after surgery and then none till this Saturday. It started heavy and got worse as the day went on. I am running through a tampon AND a pad in about 2 hours. I also have a lot of little clots. Is this normal after a 60 pound weight loss? I will call my doctor, of course, but I wondered what you have experienced yourself. Thanks in advance for your answers.    — LM O. (posted on February 24, 2003)

February 23, 2003
I haven't had the surgery yet(Mar. 14th) But I can say it's normal for me. I'm 44 years old and sometimes heavy periods come with age due to a thick uterine wall.They were so bad I wouldn't plan anything social around that time. I had my tubes tied when I was 28. Last year I had a vaginal sonogram done to rule out any medical reason it should be happening. It came back negative.My gyn put me on birth contol to thin out the wall. It took a few months, but it did work. They are no where near as bad and don't contol my life anymore. But if this is "sudden" for you, you should talk to your gyn. Good luck.
   — Debbie W.

February 23, 2003
Hi!!! I'm just a little over 14 weeks post-op myself and I did the exact same thing!!! I had a very light period after surgery and then the next one was a doozie. My surgeon said that with the hormone changes in the body, everyone reacts differently, but this is a pretty common occurance. Good luck and it does get better (or so they say!)...
   — Dena C.

February 23, 2003
I am having the same problem still at 7 months out... I don't know if it's normal, but my Dr's don't seem to be too concerned.
   — MF

February 24, 2003
Mine lasted about 2-1/2 months and I went to the obgyn, he put me on oral progesterone for ten days and everything went back to normal. Apparently this is common from what the obgyn said.
   — Darlene P.

February 24, 2003
Pre-op my period was always light and very irregular with no cramps. Post-op it is now regular as clockwork every 28 days. It is also very heavy with a lot of clotting, and I have very, very bad cramps. The heaviness and clots were worst the first 4 months and have gradually gotten a little better. Some women I've talked to develop a problem where they have non-stop bleeding for weeks on end, while others who used to be regular no longer are. I was told it's the drastic changes in out estrogen that effect the cycle/flow, and as weight loss tapers off things will even out into a normal pattern. If it continues and lasts for a longer than normal course for you, I'd recommend talking to the dr. if you are concerned.
   — Melissa F.

February 24, 2003
I hate to tell you this. I am 10 months post-op down 140 lbs. & my periods are VERY heavy & I have really bad cramps STILL!! I called my GYN & they didn't seem too worried about it either! So I guess yes, that is normal for us!
   — Allison T.

February 24, 2003
I had surgery 8/9/02 and on 9/30/02 I started my period that didn't stop until 1/20/03. It was consistent, heavy, painful, clotty, everything that you can imagine. Actually let's not visualize. I would give up on the tampons, I found them to do absolutely nothing. I bled right through them. I used about 8 to 12 pads a day. I would change even when I didn't use the toilet, just because I "knew". Good luck and enjoy. Here it is 2/24, and I haven't bled since and I'm hopeing I never bleed again! :-) Fat chance, I'm sure.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 24, 2003
I had my Open RNY on 09/30/02 and 2 weeks after I got struck with the heaviest period ever and I started lactating! No, I was not pregnant! Needless to say the period lasted 2 weeks and the next month was back to normal. The lactating also went away after a month. The surgery is a major shock to the body. I guess it's the way our bodies handle such. Now if I could only stop loosing my hair! lol
   — EMN

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