Who does your labs, blood work, med check ups? Surgeon or PCP?

My surgeon prefers that I now see my PCP for all regular type of health issues. My PCP may not know what tests to do on me. Help from you knowledgable WLS family members please! What tests should I ask my PCP to run? Thanks, Mary Ann    — Mary Ann B. (posted on February 20, 2003)

February 20, 2003
hiya...i have my pcp run the tests. i print out a list and take it in to make it easy for him. i have the list of tests in the files section on my website: good luck! kate
   — jkb

February 20, 2003
My surgeon has all of his patients follow up with a clinical nutrition doctor after surgery. I saw her at 1 month post op and will see her again at 4 months post-op. She will follow me for the rest of my life for nutritional issues as a result of this surgery. She runs all of the bloodwork and is very familiar with WLS so knows what tests to run and what to look for.
   — Michele C.

February 20, 2003
I have my PCP run my labs, mostly because she's an endocrinologist and her office is set up to draw blood, so I don't have to go to the lab and wait around for it. My surgeon doesn't have that setup, so I get them drawn at my PCP's office and then the surgeon can call the lab for the results.
   — garw

February 21, 2003
My PCP will do the blood work w/my surgeon's recommendations. Your surgeon SHOULD KNOW which labs to order...I've never heard of that. Sometimes it's best that the two of them discuss your case and come to some type of agreement. My PCP and surgeon do with no problem.
   — yourdivaness

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