has anyone taken celebrex

I'm 7 months post op and my dr. prescribed celebrex.i'm worried the capsule won't go down correctly.Has anyone had problems with swallowing capsules?    — Lora B. (posted on January 31, 2003)

January 31, 2003
I've been taking capsules since day 6. One of them is really big too, and I haven't had any problems. It's the tablets I take that feel icky going down, but I haven't had any "problems" with tablets either.
   — Diana L.

January 31, 2003
i took celebrex briefly for about 2 weeks for an infection and i never did have any problems with it. Good luck!
   — Sunny4x4chick

January 31, 2003
I take celebrex everday(the capsules). No problems at all.
   — aprilbaree

January 31, 2003
I take 2 100mg Celebrex a day and down them both at the same time. I'm 3 months post op and have been taking it since about 2 months post op. Absolutely no problems!
   — Vicki R.

January 31, 2003
Hon, the problem with taking Celebrex isn't swallowing the capsules. I had to take it for a week when I was 6 days post-op and had no trouble taking it at all. The problem is what it will do to your pouch. Celebrex and Vioxx, as well as Ibuprofen, aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs can cause bleeding and ulcers. They are very dangerous for people who have had this surgery (RNY). My surgeon allows me to take Celebrex for my arthritis but with severe limitations. I can only take it for 5 consecutive days and then I have to stay off it for 5. I have found that I can usually get through the rough times by taking it for only a coupld of days. As I have lost weight the pain has improved - however, it will only get really better after I have both knees replaced. In the meantime, I get by and take the Celebrex only when it is so bad that I can't function. I have a prescription for 30 filled June 16 and didn't get it refilled until December 30. My advice to you is to be very careful with these drugs.
   — Patty_Butler

January 31, 2003
I take this and many other pills on a daily basis and I do not crush them. I just take them one at a time. I am 9 weeks post opt.
   — Lana Rush

January 31, 2003
Make sure your surgeon know what you are taking. At Bariatric treatment center we are not allowed to take it or any thing containing asprin. It causes bleeding in stomach. I don't want ulcers.
   — obsessivekompulsive

February 1, 2003
I was given celebrex in the hospital and have been taking it for the last 10 days. It was in a capsule form and very easy to swallow. Also the affects greatly helped my joints and overall made me feel better. I've had no problems from it at all. In fact, my surgeon said he chooses to prescribe celebrex because it is not habit forming or harmful.
   — bevon9602

February 1, 2003
I took it for 6 weeks, and then spent 4 months on mega doses of Prilosec to try to undo the damage. I've learned a little more since then. I wouldn't touch it now, knowing how it works.
   — vitalady

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