Has anyone had Plastic Surgery (40 lbs or more) before goal

Help.......I am having numerous procedures done within the next few months and am about 40 pounds shy of my goal. (I have to have these done now before I lose my insurance). I guess I was wondering how your surgery turned out even though you weren't at goal and do you have any pictures so that I can see what I am in for? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Mary Beth    — Beffy W. (posted on January 31, 2003)

January 31, 2003
I have not had my WLS yet, but I plan on having my plastic surgery before I get to my goal, maybe 20 or 30 pounds before, because they say you lose 10 to 15 lbs with the loss of lose skin. There are alot of websites that show actual pictures of TT and Breast reductions/enlargements, you may want to go on-line and do some research, I also think you should talk to your Plastic Surgeon, let him know that you are running out of time on your insurance, he/she will probley want you to get it done for health reasons and they will know about yes or no on the 40lbs. I know that before I was MO, I was a skinny person and my skin would go back to being tight when I gained a few lbs and then lost, so I am not a doctor, but I do not see why 40lbs would be a problem. Hope this helps.
   — cindy

January 31, 2003
This is a reasonable concern as everyone cannot wait until goal to get their plastic surgery done. I too had to get my t.t. done before goal because my insurance was running out. I am a week and half out of the hospital and very pleased with the results. I had my t.t. done 11 months post op from my RNY and approximately 34 pounds from goal..... -126 pounds total from RNY 2-13-02. I was concerned and asked my surgeon at the consultation if I lost 25 pounds post op would it screw up the surgery results. I was relieved to hear "NO"! My tummy is flat now, he took off about 10 pounds of fat and skin. I believe if I exercise when I lose the last 20 or so, it will be fine. Remember, the weight drops off many different places on the body not just in the area of the surgery. You also should ask the doctor because I think it depends how much surgical work is done in that particular body area. Good luck and enjoy the well deserved results!!!!! Bev M.
   — Bev M.

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